10 - Another Date At Home

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I was closing up the shop one evening when my cellphone rang. I pulled it out and saw it was Chris.

"Hey you, I'm just leaving work now." I said.

I had started closing the shop around 6pm during the week and 7pm on the weekend. Chris was worried I was working too hard. I knew Damon had tried to get me to stop but something about being home alone with Damon was never appealing, I see that now. Being with Chris though was amazing.

"I know, I see you. You look good today." Chris said. I stopped and started looking around.

"Where are you?" I asked smiling.

"What are you talking about, I'm at home." Chris said and I just sighed with a smile. I looked around and listened to his background noise. I heard a kid having a major freak out tantrum and his mom begging him to stop. I looked around and saw the happening across the street and I instantly saw Chris sitting in his car. I walked over and he rolled his window down.

"Stalking me at work...do I need to get a restraining order?" I smiled.

"Or you could kiss me and forgive me for being creepy." Chris smirked. I leaned in the car and gave him a quick kiss.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I was picking up a pizza and hoping my girlfriend would go home, pack an overnight bag and come to stay the night at my place. Maybe even have a romantic pizza picnic in the backyard." Chris suggested.

"Well, I mean the only reason I would stay the night would be to have a sleep over with Dodger." I said and Chris sighed as I heard a bark from the backseat, and I laughed not knowing Dodger was in the back. "See, Dodger likes that plan." I said.

"Hold on, you're coming over to have a sleep over with Dodger? What about me?" Chris feigned being shocked.

"Well after Dodger goes to bed, I guess I could make some time for you then." I said and he smiled. I leaned in and gave him another small kiss.

"So, I'll head home and see you soon?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I'll be there soon." I said and he nodded. I hurried to my car and quickly headed home to pack.

As I was packing, I was just smiling to myself. I couldn't believe Chris and I had waited this long to be together. It just felt right to be with him and be where we were right now. I tried not to plan too far into the future, not knowing what it was going to hold for him and I, we liked where we were now.

Once my bag was packed and everything was set, I headed to Chris's house, put in the gate code and drove up to the house. I parked my car and then walked to the front door. I knocked and waited for him to answer. Usually, he was at the door when I would pull in but this time he wasn't. He held his finger to his lips as he opened the door and I saw him on the phone. I quietly closed his door and walked inside the house.

"No, I should have that covered...Don't worry about it, it's covered, and he will be fine...no it's not a kennel. Shanna, can you just let it go?...Okay, love you too bye." Chris had a whole conversation with someone as I just looked at him confused.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Something we can talk about over dinner. I just have something to ask you." Chris said and I smiled with a nod. I took my bag to his room and then joined him in the backyard. I saw a blanket set up and some tiki torches. I smiled as I joined him on the blanket. He leaned over and passionately kissed me. When we broke apart Chris smiled at me.

"How was work?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"Meh, it was okay. I was stuck working on a book most of the day. There is a stain on the back cover that is refusing to come off." I said as we dished out the pizza.

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