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" Riva yaar, hurry up we are getting late". Riva is my best friend and also we are colleagues. She knows me better than anyone.
We work together at a software company.
We live in mumbai far from our family to work.
" Coming na!" She said as she was packing things in her bag.
After that,we leave to our office building. As soon as we reached their ,we found our two male friends and also colleagues,
'reyan' and 'aniket' . Reyan is such a mature, sweet and friendly boy while aniket is a clumsy, childish and a funny boy. The four of us made a plan for having lunch then going to some places then a movie and then dinner and at last going to our apartment.





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"Who the hell do you think you are? Hn!" I yelled at my secretary as he broke the glass that was on the table . He shivered in fear and apologized to me. Of course,no one dares to speak even one word in front of me.
I have anger issues that I can't control. I have anger issues since my mother died 8 years ago. I have no mercy to show anyone .

And I will make sure to torture that person to death who is behind all this mess.

I've gathered all the information about the accident and I guess I found the culprit.

And fortunately his sister works in my company so it's easy.

And the apartment she lives in is also owned by me.

I guess that universe is also on my side.

I guess that universe is also on my side

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We all watched a after doing lunch. We were going to some places to roam around cause I and reev shifted here 1 month ago.

But suddenly I saw a burn fire in the streets as it was winter.

The moment of that accident started to flash in my mind. That blast and all. My eyes was all teary and I felt dizzy.

But reyan and reev hold me.

"Breathe avu" reev said. 

""Calm down" reyan consoled.

As I was not well so we decided to go home and take rest.

I was walking on the stairs instead of lift with reev cause what if I got that attack again.

But then I bumped into something or should I say someone.

Hlo everyone.
How was the first chapter?
Don't kill me for giving so small chapter.

And don't forget to vote

Love y'all 🥰🥰

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