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My heart was beating so fast being that close to her.

Then she moved sway and looked at the people who were staring at us through the window.

"I'm leaving, you may not have any work but I have a lot of work to do."
She said.

"Okay then go. And I will drop you home." I said and passed a wink at her.

She made a disgusted face, which I find cute.

She left and dropped her a earing unknowingly.

I sat on the table and started looking at the earing continuously.

What is this strange feeling?
Why she pull me closer to her?
Why am I attracted to her?
Do I like her?
Yes, I like her.

Sometime later.....

It was the time when avi leave.

I called her. But she wasn't picking the call. I called her literally 6-7 times. But again no one picked.

I called her senior.

Aditya- hello, is avisha there?

Her senior - no sir, she left 2 hours ago.

Aditya - are you sure?

Her senior - yes sir, I'm sure.

Aditya - okay then.

Where is she?
I told her to wait for me. But this girl never listens to me.

I thought that she had reached the house.

So I drove to my house.

When I arrived, I directly went to our room. But she wasn't there.

I tried to find her in the whole house.

"What happened Aditya? What are you looking for?" Chachi maa said.

"Chachi maa, have you seen avisha anywhere?" I said hurriedly.

"No, but why? Is there anything wrong?" Chachi maa said he ng worried.

Everyone in the house tried to call her but she wasn't picking up.

I called someone to track her phone's location.

He said that she is somewhere near to the office.

I took my car and my car's speed was so high. I completely lost my mind because she isn't close to me.

"I can't let anything happen to her.

I fucking wanted her now in front of me.

She can't leave me.
She's not allowed to leave."

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