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I left when I tell her to take rest.

After few hours I remembered that tommorow is her birthday because I know each and every detail of her information.

I decided to force her to marry me because I want to make her mine.
I love the way she smiles, she talk, I fucking love her eyes when she's happy.

It will be like hitting two prey at same time as she will be mine and I can threat her brother with her life.

Even though I can't let her die.

I went to her apartment to meet his friend and that bastard to discuss her birthday surprise as a friend.

And if they agree, everything will go as I planned.

I rang the bell, and her brother open the door and her friend was sitting on the sofa.
I don't know what they were doing but I don't give a fuck about it.

He looked quite surprised by seeing me there. I entered the apartment, and said "I want to talk to you guys".

They said "sure" at the same time.
I said " I know I don't have right but I want to plan a surprise for avisha's birthday as a friend"

"How do you know her birthday" her brother asked.

"Oh! We know each other since she worked in my company" I said being polite.

"But she didn't tell me anything about you and her being close" he said as he was glaring at me.

"Oh! Avisha told me about him being her friend" her friend said and I don't know why she lied about it. But it made easier to convince her brother.

And he agreed and I can't wait my plan to be successful.

After having a conversation with her brother I reached to my mansion, not a bangalow,a mansion.

I was too tired but then her smile came into my mind and felt at ease
I don't know what she was doing to me but this is definitely working on me. When I saw her face I want to kiss her lips as long as I want.

I want to make her stay in this mansion, my wife in my mansion.

Next morning

I was in my company's building sitting in my cabin.

Then I saw her walking to her work in front my cabin.

She was doing some spell on me and yeah it was working again.
She was wearing a top and jeans.

She was wearing a top and jeans

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I was lost in her beauty and I want to be lost forever.

Maybe it is like,love, OBSESSION or far more than this.

I want to cage her and lock her in my arms forever.
I was admiring her then suddenly I saw the person beside her to whom she's talking. I became all angry to see her getting close to a person that is not me. I want to kill that asshole right then and there.

Then my phone rang and it was her brother. He asked me that if everything is ready or not. And I assured him that everything is ready.

Then I call her senior and ordered him to give her a leave from work and he agreed, obviously no one dares to disobey me.

I told her brother to took her there where her first part of her surprise take place.

But the biggest surprise were waiting for her she just have to wait.....

Hello readers 😊😊
I'm sorry for giving you all small chapters but I'm quite busy with my studies.

And I know you weren't ready for Aditya's obsession. But that's my book so anything can happen anytime.
Also follow my Instagram account for spoilers.

Also follow my Instagram account for spoilers

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Bye your author loves you all😘😘

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