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She jerked my hand like it was burning her skin.

"Don't touch me" she said while looking everywhere but me.

"Listen, you're not okay so I'm just trying to take care of you" I tried to calm her down.

"Why do you care even if I die" her words were too harsh but I stayed calm.

"I do care cause you're my wife" I said.

"You're no one to me and never will be so just stop your drama and .LEAVE. ME. ALONE." she literally shouted.

My fingers turned into a first but I somehow managed to control my anger.

"Okay I'm leaving " saying that I came out of the room.

"She is still weak and she should take care of her health" the doctor said.

"Don't worry I'll take care of everything " I assured the doctor.

I called some of my men to look for one who dare to kidnap my wife.

1 hour later ...

They found one of the men but he isn't spitting anything.

I'm at my place where I do all the crimes and torture. My men brought him here.

I was sitting on the sofa like a king with a glass of beer on the table.

"Let's start the movie" I said with a sinister smirk on my face.


My men started beating him to the pulp.
They tore his clothes and poured the whole bucket of boiled coal on his skin.

"Ahhhh ....aahhhhhh.....no...... plea..... ahhhhhhh... leave...me" he begged and I closed my eyes in joy.

"Why don't you just tell the truth....then I'll give you less painful death." I calmy said taking a sip of the beer.

"I can't....h-he....wi--will ...kill ....m-me" he hardly could murtered.

And that's it I won't be quite anymore.

"You know what I'll torture you so much that you would die by it." I said standing up from the sofa and fisting his hair and pulled it to make him look into my eyes.

"Aahhhhhhh" he screamed as I pulled his hair more.

"Pluck out all his nails" I ordered.

He screamed again and this time too loud. And this place was basement of my personal mansion.

"Will you tell me or should I pluck out your tongue too bcoz if they can't tell me the name of that person then it's useless" I threatened him.

"I can't say please try to understand me" he shivered in a low voice.

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