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I was having lunch with my brother and friend. Then I saw my company's CEO was also there staring at me. He was looking at me like a pervert. Then i spill curry on my outfit. I was moving to the washroom to clear it. Then my foot collided with something and I was about to fall, but then a strong hands held me by my waist and didn't let me fall. We were so close and he was looking into my eyes. Then I free myself with his hands.
He asked "are you okay?". I said "I'm fine" then my brother said "no, you're not. Just look at yourself you are clumsy as hell,avi."
"I'm fine bhaiya". I said.
Then i went to washroom and cleaned my outfit.
When I came outside my brother, friend and Aditya Singh birla was also there waiting for me.

Then I realised that I forgot to thank him. "Thank you so much for saving me "I thanked him.

He said " mention not ".
Surprisingly he was sweet then too when we collided in my building.

He forwarded his hand and said "we can be friends".

I thought that he is a decent guy so "sure" I said with a smile on my face and we shake hands.

And I know that he will regret this decision as I am so talkative.we sat on the table I am started talking about some business career and so on.


I so that she was coming to me. And her food collage to something and she was about fall. I don't know why but I moved on to hold her and before she could fall I held her by waist and didn't let her fall.

Then I realised that she was going to washroom to clean her dress. When she came out of washroom and thought that I should be friended with her so that it became easier to take revenge for me. I wanted trust me blindly and I will enjoy breaking her trust.

And I've decided that to destroy her I will marry her. I want that on every tear she shed has my name written on it. I want to be the only reason for her sorrow.

I decided to drop them to their apartment. And they agreed.
We all were going to their apartment in my luxury car.

I was driving the car while she was smiling looking out of the window and enjoying the view. A smile appeared on my face while looking at her. I didn't realise when I again got lost in her eyes. Then i remembered that what kind of bullshit I'm thinking about.

During the time I was staring at her I didn't notice that I'm driving.
And It may cause an accident.
Our car was about to hit another car. But then I took a took a turn.

I don't know why but AVISHA panicked all of a sudden. Her breathing became heavy. She barely could breath. I tried to calm her but her breathing was being worse. Her friend gave me her machine. She took it and calm a bit.

I wasn't able to understand the situation and what the hell was wrong with her. We reached to their apartment and I told her to rest well and get well soon.

I remembered the time when her breathing became heavy I also panicked seeing her in this condition. I don't know what's happening to me.


He offered to drop us to our apartment. We denied at first but then we agreed as a friend. I was left speechless by watching his luxury car. Obviously he is CEO of our company.
In his car I was enjoying the view of outside. But then a car was about to hit us but Aditya turned the car. By seeing this scene I remembered of my father's death in that car accident in front of me.
My breathing started being heavy. I could barely breath. Then Riva give Aditya to give it to me and I took it from his hand. Everyone was worried about me including Aditya.
We reached to our apartment and Aditya told me to took care of myself. I reached to my room and try to sleep. But again I got nightmare of that car accident.

I have these nightmares almost everyday. But still after trying so hard I drifted into sleep.


At  9 .pm.

I woke up and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. 
And I saw Aditya was in my apartment sitting on the sofa talking to my brother.

I did understand that why was he here.

Hello my cuties😘😘
Did you enjoyed reading the chapters. I am a new writer so all I want is your wholeheartedly support.

And also next chapter will be uploaded on 22 April.

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