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I'm alive! :D

If y'all don't know, I had a few problems with Wattpad. And atm I was unsuccessful, so it's up to me to re-do what was lost.

So no kung fu panda oneshot in the near future I suppose ;-;

But does this stop me from delivering a request? No. :3

And here we have it! The basketball trio being silly guys! :D

So, the lovely JhazzyNarioPagala requested a lil scenario of basketball club. And me, being your dumbass author, sprinkled some extra lil things...

You know it's the drill by now :'D

So now, behold! The plot: Being a famous college, it is no surprise that one couldn't really tell the difference in between a small or big event. But the members of the basketball club learned otherwise when it comes to their own games. So when a big game is less than a week away, it is a pressure that, maybe, it needs another type of perspective.

Now! Onto the shenanigans!



The shoes of the basketball club members slid a bit as they all got in line, after a tiring practice day. Vargas looked at the neat line of students, from the shortest to the tallest. At the shortest side, one Ace Trappola was standing, pretty pleased with himself, while at the other end, the infamous Floyd Leech grumbled, clearly not in the mood for a lecture. The middle ground was found in Jamil Viper, who showed no emotion on the training outcome.

"Listen up! We have less than a week until the regionals! This is the game that either shoots us at the nationals or make us flop." Vargas started. "I want you all in your best condition! Those muscles need to be toned and ready to play! Understood?" "Yes, sir!" "Good. Then the muscles also need to rest and maintain their elasticity! So you all go straight to your dorms and sleep tonight. Tomorrow you have training at 6 and after classes. You'll be excused from PE lessons as well." He blew the whistle, dismissing the whole team.

The basketball team leader was a tiger Beastman, pretty fierce and harsh with the routine. The only problem he had was keeping 2 specific people in check.

Ace 'the trouble starter' Trappola and Floyd 'the trouble amplifier' Leech.

"Viper..." "Hmm?" "Come over here for a sec." The leader mused, as the Scarabia vice made his way to him. "I want you to do me a favor and keep an eye out on those 2." He whispered, pointing towards Ace and Floyd, where the latter was wrangling a towel and using it to slap back the ginger after some snarky comment. "I understand... But... I also believe that these 2 could be serious if asked for. I'm sur-" "shhhh" the Beastman shushed Jamil, swinging his finger in a no-no gesture. "Viper, oh Viper..." He ushered. "Let me tell you something... A little... Secret... If you will..." He grabbed the latter closer making him to look at Ace and Floyd, who seemed to finally calm down and go on about their usual routine. The eel seemed in a good mood, while Ace was definitely cussing him under his breath.

"The second we put those 2 on the field, something is meant to blow up. You saw the towel slap... You know they are capable of much more damage than just a simple slap." he mused. "Now, wouldn't it be a shame to axe 2 of our finest players on the bench on the day of the big game? Who would be to point at? Them, on being benched for seemingly no motive?" he made a pause.

"Or you for refusing to keep them in check when asked to?"

Jamil took a deep breath, leaving from the side of the said guy, opening his locker and changing with a small spell, too physically tired to even change. He didn't even talk with the other members, only making his way towards his home, ready to crash in his bed and sleep.

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