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I have horrible self control. :I

But since I did expand my spiderman Ace Au, I stumbled upon other possible candidates for Spiderman. Funky times.

But! Out of all of them, the most messed up has to be Floyd's Spiderman dimension.

And unfortunately I love it. His story has the horrors and it's glorious. :'3

So now! Onto the plot: With the new university opportunity, Floyd surely cannot miss out to learn and secure for himself a future. And he does happen to secure one. Just not as a researcher or anything expected, but as your local superhero.

Also! Huge trigger warning for: gore, blood and body horror. It's just... Yeah -3-

Now onto the spidering!


New York was one busy city. And that didn't exclude the chatter and the small crowd that was forming in front of a university building. Those were students, all chatting in between them, excitedly waiting for the bus doors to open and allow them inside.

"Alright! Alright! Settle down!" A quite young looking teacher said, his neatly combed hair and stylish outfit giving you the impression of a celebrity rather than a college teacher. "I will call out your names and you will come and get your passes from me, only then you get inside the bus. Understood?" His voice was loud and stern, clearly very used to this kind of things.

"Rozelle, Armia, Gechi...." and the list went on and on. There were only family names, thus people were one by one getting out of the crowd and getting their little passes before getting inside the bus. Some were quickly making arrangements in between them and others were hoping that their desired seats weren't taken already.

"Rosehearts..." The teacher called as a short boy with bright red hair came forward. Receiving his pass, he gave a silent thanks before he got inside. Looking at the list, the teacher exhaled as he looked forward, at the empty place. "Parker isn't going to come today? And he seemed very ex-"


A tall boy with long teal hair tied in a high ponytail wheezed as he crouched a bit, holding on his knees. With 1 hand he gestured to be given 1 minute to regain his composure as he was all sweaty and looking more like he just woke up. "Parker..." The teacher frowned. "We talked about punctuality..." he exhaled as he handed to the, clearly taller, boy his pass. "damn... Ya don't have to be so strict teach... It was just a missed bus..." The boy grumbled, getting inside with a visible groan.

Settling himself down, the tall boy noticed that he stood next to the short redhead, who only gave him a frown. "Always late... When will you ever learn, Floyd?" "Come on, goldfishie... I missed a bus... Ya know how hard is to change metro lines in time." "You are unbelievable." The redhead only grumbled, minding to his own business as Floyd also mimicked the puffy boy and tried to seem like he was engrossed in some important business too.

Floyd Parker wasn't that special. Maybe his only special quality was his mind. He was a straight A student, offered a scholarship and as such, he had to stay at a family friend here, in New York, visit his parents on holidays and find a job to pay for his personal expenses.

Expenses, such as this field trip. It wasn't entirely free, but the expenses, this time, were covered by Floyd's family. As a sort of gift for getting this scholarship. Naturally, being a young man, there were other things Floyd would've wanted to get: a house of his own, a car, fancy shoes, yet all of these costed money.

Money, which Floyd would need a job for.

He didn't even notice when the bus stopped. The only sign Floyd picked up was when the redhead near him was nudging him to get up, as Floyd was blocking his way of getting out. He felt tired already, despite only sitting all the way. For all he cared, Floyd could've easily just get one metro and wait the bus here, but since it was an arranged field trip at a prestigious research facility, he needed that pass, which he could only get from Crewel, when taking the field trip bus.

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