Getting away

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As the plane touched down on Spanish soil, Aurora's heart felt heavy with the weight of her emotions. Stepping off the aircraft, she scanned the bustling airport terminal until her eyes landed on a familiar figure.

There, amidst the crowd, stood Alexia, waiting patiently. Without a second thought, Aurora rushed towards her, her steps quickening with each stride until she was enveloped in Alexia's comforting embrace.

Tears welled up in Aurora's eyes once again as the warmth of Alexia's embrace offered a fleeting respite from the storm raging within her. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she buried her face in Alexia's shoulder, the dam breaking as her tears flowed freely.

Concern etched on her face, Alexia gently pulled away, her gaze searching Aurora's tear-streaked face for answers. "Què ha passat?" she asked softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Unable to find the words to articulate the depth of her pain, Aurora simply shook her head, her voice choked with emotion. "No aquí," she whispered hoarsely, her heart heavy with the weight of the truth she couldn't bear to share in such a public place.

With a comforting hand on her shoulder, Alexia nodded understandingly, her silent support a beacon of solace amidst the chaos of Aurora's fractured heart. And as they made their way through the bustling airport, Aurora clung to Alexia's reassuring presence, finding solace in the unwavering friendship that had always been her anchor in times of need.



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Tagged: @AlexiaPutellas and @Dawn.of.Blake

Caption: "Spotted at Barcelona Airport: Alexia Putellas and Blake Dawn sharing a heartfelt moment. 😢 What's the story behind those tears? 🤔 #AirportEncounter #HeartfeltEmbrace


"I was there too! Alexia was waiting for someone, then Blake arrived. They hugged, but Blake looked really upset. Hope everything's okay. 😟"

"Saw them too! Blake was bawling her eyes out after that hug. Wonder what's going on..."
-> "Wait, Blake was crying? What happened?"

"I'm worried about Blake now. Hope everything's alright."

"I saw them too! Alexia was waiting at the airport, looking around anxiously. Then Blake arrived and their faces just lit up. They hugged, but Blake was crying so hard. It was heartbreaking. 😢"

"Yeah, I was there too. Blake was a mess, I've never seen her like that before. Alexia was trying to comfort her, but it seemed serious."
-> "I overheard Blake saying "not here" to Alexia. Wonder what it could be about..."

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