Don't do tha...What was that?

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Alone in the quiet of the kitchen, Aurora stood by the fridge, her hand resting gently on the side of her stomach whilst looking for something to eat. As if in response to her touch, a fluttering sensation tickled the skin beneath her palm. She paused, her breath catching in a mix of surprise and wonder. Again, the subtle movement brushed against her, and this time, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. The third time it happened, she couldn't contain her joy. Her eyes lit up with realization.

"Hey bump," she whispered softly, a wave of warmth spreading through her. "You're kicking."

Aurora moved swiftly to her phone, her fingers tapping the screen as she checked the time difference. Twelve in England meant around one in Barcelona—perfect timing for the girls' lunch break. She hesitated briefly, then scrolled through her contacts, stopping at Mapi's name.

She knew Mapi wanted to be the first to know about anything baby-related, considering Alexia knew about the pregnancy before her. With a soft smile, Aurora pressed the call button and waited eagerly for her friend to pick up.

Aurora chuckled softly at Mapi's greeting. "Hola, bonita," Mapi's voice greeted her warmly, to which Aurora responded with a fond smile, "Hola, Mapi."

"How are you doing?" Mapi asked with genuine interest.

"I'm good," Aurora replied, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Actually, I have some news."

Mapi's curiosity piqued. "Is it about el toro?" she teased, using the nickname they had playfully given Aurora's baby, based on her occasional pregnancy-related mood swings.

Aurora laughed softly. "Yes, it is. Do you mind grabbing Alexia so I can tell you both?"

Mapi paused for a moment, then joked, "Oh, Alexia doesn't need to know just yet." Despite her words, Aurora could hear her calling out, "Alexia, come over here!"

Aurora smiled to herself, knowing Mapi couldn't resist involving their friend. She waited patiently until she heard Alexia's voice join the conversation.

Once both Mapi and Alexia were on the line, Aurora couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "Shall we switch to a video call so I can share the news properly?"

Mapi and Alexia agreed eagerly, their anticipation evident as they prepared to hear Aurora's news.

Aurora smiled mischievously as she set up the video call, making sure Mapi and Alexia were in a private, empty room. "You guys, make sure nobody's there," she insisted before settling the phone where she could be seen.

With a playful grin, she lifted her top, revealing her baby bump. Mapi couldn't resist teasing, "Oh, giving us a little strip tease, are we?"

Alexia responded with a light swat to Mapi's arm, then asked curiously, "Aina, what are you doing?"

"Watch," Aurora replied with a laugh. She gently poked the side of her bump where the baby had kicked earlier. There was a momentary pause before the baby responded with another kick.

Mapi and Alexia gasped simultaneously, their voices overlapping in concern, "Hey, you shouldn't do that!"

"It's fine, just watch," Aurora reassured them, undeterred. She adjusted the phone so they could see the spot where she had poked. Slowly, a tiny footprint-like impression appeared on her belly, evidence of the baby's movement.

Mapi and Alexia were speechless, their eyes glued to the screen as they witnessed the magical moment.

Aurora's eyes widened as she noticed tears welling up in Mapi's eyes. "Mapi, are you crying?" she asked softly, her own voice filled with warmth and amusement.

Alexia, catching onto the emotional moment, turned her head abruptly, but Mapi quickly tried to brush it off. "No," she sniffled, attempting to compose herself.

Aurora chuckled affectionately. "Sure you aren't, you big softy," she teased gently. "Well, that's all I wanted to show you."

Mapi and Alexia, still amazed by what they had witnessed, asked eagerly, "When did it happen?"

"It started kicking this morning," Aurora answered with a smile. "Does Leah know?" Alexia inquired.

"No, she's at training," Aurora replied, sensing Mapi's subdued reaction at the mention of Leah. "Mapi, I know you aren't happy with her, but she makes me happy. Please be nice," she urged gently.

Mapi sighed softly, her expression softening. "Only because it's you," she conceded, her voice tinged with affection.

Alexia, always curious, jumped in. "Has anyone else been told that el toro is kicking?"

Aurora shook her head. "No, you two are the first to know," she said, a bright smile spreading across her face.

Mapi's eyes lit up with excitement once more, thrilled to be among the first to share in Aurora's joyous news. As the video call continued, Mapi and Alexia listened intently as Aurora shared more about her pregnancy and their plans for el toro. Mapi, particularly excited, began listing all the things she wanted to buy and activities she envisioned doing with the baby.

"I can't wait to take him to his first football match!" Mapi exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Alexia nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, and we'll get him the cutest little outfits!"

Aurora laughed softly, but her tone turned serious. "You guys keep saying 'him,' but I really think el toro is going to be my little girl."

Mapi and Alexia exchanged looks, then Alexia gently replied, "But you've been saying that since the beginning. What if it's a boy?"

Aurora shook her head, a determined look on her face. "I just have a feeling. It's going to be a girl."

Mapi chuckled, but there was a hint of disagreement in her voice. "We'll see about that," she teased playfully.

The conversation continued, filled with laughter and anticipation, as they discussed nursery ideas, baby names, and their hopes for el toro's future.


Aurora's heart fluttered with anticipation as she heard the familiar sound of Leah's key in the door. She hurried over, greeting her with a quick kiss, a daily ritual that never failed to elicit a dopey grin from Leah. "Hi, Bebe," Aurora teased affectionately.

"Hey, beautiful," Leah replied softly, bending down to press a gentle kiss against Aurora's baby bump. As she straightened up, Aurora couldn't contain her amusement at Leah's expression. "What are you grinning about?" Leah asked with a curious tilt of her head.

"Come with me," Aurora said with a playful glint in her eye, guiding Leah towards the lounge. She instructed Leah to sit down, then without preamble, she lifted her top.

Leah's eyes widened, her mind racing with anticipation. But instead of what she expected, Aurora began poking her own stomach. Confusion crossed Leah's face, ready to scold Aurora for poking at her stomach , but then she noticed something unusual.

"What's that?" Leah asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Give me your hand," Aurora requested, reaching out for Leah's hand and guiding it to the side of her bump. With a mischievous smile, Aurora poked her belly again. Leah started to protest, but this time, she felt it—a tiny movement beneath her fingertips. Her eyes widened in shock.

"What was that?" Leah asked, her voice filled with wonder and surprise.

Aurora smiled knowingly. "Look," she said softly, poking her belly once more. As they both watched, a tiny footprint-like impression appeared on Aurora's stomach, where she had poked.

Tears welled up in Leah's eyes as she realized what she was witnessing. The sheer wonder and joy of feeling their baby's movement for the first time overwhelmed her. She looked up at Aurora, her love and awe evident in her gaze.

"Rory," Leah whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I can't believe it."

Aurora's smile widened, her heart swelling with happiness.

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