New album and Random

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As the Arsenal Women's team pushed through their rigorous training session, Leah's phone repeatedly buzzed with notifications, each interruption drawing more attention from her curious teammates. The rhythm of their gym session was disrupted by the persistent chiming, and it wasn't long before everyone noticed Leah's phone lighting up like a disco ball.

Jordan, gestured towards Leah's phone. "Oi, Williamson, is that your phone going off every two seconds?" she quipped, a playful grin spreading across her face.

Leah felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she tried to ignore the pointed stares directed her way. She attempted to focus on the training, hoping the incessant buzzing would stop on its own.

Lotte, nudged her friend with a playful grin. "Looks like you've got a hot date lined up after practice, eh?" she teased, her tone laced with amusement.

Leah once again began to blush as she attempted to ignore the pointed stares directed her way. She tried to brush off the teasing, hoping to redirect the attention back to their workout, but her efforts were in vain.

And before Leah could respond, Beth Mead, always quick to seize an opportunity for mischief slowly moved towards the phone in question. "Come on, Leah, spill the beans. Who's the lucky lady blowing up your phone like that?" she prodded, a playful smirk playing on her lips.

With a mischievous grin, she reached for the device, but Leah quickly intercepted, snatching her phone away before Beth could lay a finger on it.

The moment Leah heard the name "Rory" uttered, her heart skipped a beat. She knew she had to act fast before her secret was exposed to the entire team. Ignoring the teasing glances and playful jabs from her teammates, she lunged for her phone, desperation evident in her movements.

Leah's eyes widened in alarm as she reached out to grab her phone back from Beth's grasp, but it was too late. Beth had already managed to get a hold of it, and a tug of war ensued between the two teammates.

"Give it back, Beth!" Leah exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation as she tried to reclaim her phone.

But Beth was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and was already on the move, her laughter ringing out as she tried to unlock Leah's phone.

Leah's heart sank as she watched Beth's antics, knowing she had no chance of stopping her. She could feel the eyes of her teammates boring into her, their curiosity piqued by Beth's discovery.

"Come on, Leah, what's the password?" Beth called out, her voice filled with excitement. "I need to see what secrets you're hiding!"

As the other girls joined in with the teasing, their laughter filling the gym, Alex Scott, with a knowing smirk, leaned in closer to Leah. "So, when's Rory coming to town again?" she whispered at a volume that everyone could hear her, her tone suggestive. "I'll make sure to stay away from your house for a few nights."

Leah's cheeks burned as her eyes widened at the comment, desperately trying to get her closest friend to shut up as she attempted to deflect Alex's comment with a forced laugh. But the other girls weren't so easily swayed.

"Wait a minute, is Rory your secret girlfriend, Leah?" Jordan piped up, her eyes wide with excitement.

"There's no secret girlfriend, guys. It's just a friend," she protested weakly, hoping to put an end to the teasing. But it came to no avail as nobody seemed to believe her.

"Come on, Leah, we're not buying it! The heart next to Rory's name say otherwise!"

"Yeah, Leah, we all know you're not fooling anyone. Rory's blowing up your phone like crazy!"

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