Caught on Camera

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Leah rummaged through the kitchen cupboards, searching for a quick snack to satisfy her hunger. With her attention focused on finding something to eat, she didn't notice when Aurora entered the lounge, clad in nothing but Leah's England shorts and a bra, her hair tied back in a ponytail.

"Leah, do you know where my Spain top is?" Aurora called out, her voice echoing through the empty room.

Leah, still engrossed in her search, replied absentmindedly, "It's probably thrown somewhere on the sofa."

As Aurora began to search the room, she spotted her Spain top draped over the arm of the couch. "Found it! Thanks, bebita," she called out, a smile spreading across her face as she grabbed the top.

Leah froze, her eyes widening in realization. She had completely forgotten that her phone was on FaceTime in the lounge. With a sudden rush of panic, she hastily set down the box of cereal she had been holding and dashed back to the lounge, but it was too late. The screen was already filled with the faces of Lucy, Keira, Georgia, Jen and Ella, their eyes wide with curiosity as they took in the sight before them.

"Bloody hell, Leah, who's the fit one in your living room?" Georgia exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise.

Ella and Lucy nodded in agreement, their faces mirroring Georgia's astonishment. "Yeah, she's smoking hot," Jen added, unable to tear her gaze away from Aurora.

Keira chimed in, her voice tinged with disbelief, "I didn't know you had such a stunner hanging out at your place, Leah."

Leah's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she tried to compose herself, knowing full well that her friends were teasing her. "Guys, it's not what you think," she protested weakly, her voice betraying her nerves.

Lucy smirked, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, come on, Leah, no need to be shy. We won't judge you for having a supermodel lounging around your house," she teased, her tone playful.

Georgia and Jen joined in with the teasing, their laughter filling the room as they continued to poke fun at Leah's expense.

Leah felt her cheeks flush even redder as she tried to deflect the attention away from Aurora. "Guys, she's not... we're not... you know," she protested weakly, hoping to put an end to the teasing. Leah's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she tried to regain control of the situation, her eyes flickering nervously between her friends on FaceTime and Aurora, who was now slipping on the Spain top.

Leah's eyes widened in realization as Aurora began to slip on the Spain top. Panic surged through her at the sight of mixing England and Spain apparel.

"Wait, Rory, stop!" Leah blurted out, her voice filled with urgency.

Aurora froze mid-motion, her arms halfway through the sleeves of the Spain top, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What's wrong?" she asked, puzzled by Leah's sudden interruption.

Leah hesitated, trying to find the right words to explain without revealing too much. "You can't... You can't mix England and Spain like that," she stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Aurora's confusion deepened, and she tilted her head to the side, her eyes searching Leah's face for an explanation. "Why not?" she questioned, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Leah froze for a moment, caught off guard by Aurora's response. "You just can't," she repeated, her voice faltering slightly as she struggled to find a better explanation.

Aurora arched an eyebrow, her lips curling into a mischievous smirk. "Oh, come on, Leah," she teased, her tone playful. "I'm the result of mixing Spain and England, and I turned out pretty good, didn't I?"

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