No more

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Rory <3 

I'll land around 7

same place I left from

My Le <3

I'll be there

As she hits send, Katie, who's been observing Leah's focused texting, swoops in and grabs her phone. "Who you messaging, Leah? Aurora?" she teases, holding the phone just out of Leah's reach.

Leah reaches for her phone, but Katie pulls it back, reading the screen. "I knew it! It is Aurora. I want to come with you to pick her up," Katie declares.

Leah shakes her head firmly. "No, Katie. Nobody is supposed to know she's coming here."

Katie looks defiant. "Well, I know now, so I can come."

Leah sighs, rubbing her temples. "No, Katie."

"Yes, Leah. She's my friend too," Katie insists.

Seeing no way to dissuade her friend, Leah lets out a frustrated sigh and dials Aurora's number. It rings a few times before Aurora picks up, as soon as she picks up, she asks, "Leah, has something happened?"

"No, well... yeah," Leah stammers. "Katie was being nosy and saw the text that you're coming, and now she wants to come with me to pick you up."

Aurora starts to panic. "Leah, she can't come. I can't see her yet. Not until I tell you that thing I need to tell you."

Leah tries to calm her down. "It's okay, Rory. She won't come, I promise."

Katie, overhearing the conversation, insists, "Yes, I will!"

Leah glares at Katie and is about to argue, but Aurora interrupts. "Let me speak to her, Leah."

Leah hands the phone to Katie, who excitedly says, "Aurora! I can't wait to see you!"

Aurora's voice is firm yet pleading. "Katie, please. Don't come. I'll come see you after, but please just let Leah get me. And don't tell anyone, Katie."

Katie's smile fades. "Okay, I won't come. But I really want to see you."

Aurora's tone softens. "I know, and I want to see you too. But please, just let Leah pick me up this time."

Katie sighs. "Alright. I promise I won't come."

"Thank you, Katie," Aurora says, relieved. "Can you put Leah back on?"

Katie hands the phone back to Leah. "I'll see you at 7," Aurora says.

"Yeah, I'll be there," Leah replies.

They say their goodbyes, and Leah ends the call, looking at Katie. "Thank you for understanding."

Katie nods, still a bit disappointed but accepting the situation. "Just make sure she knows we all miss her."

"I will," Leah assures her, feeling a mixture of relief and anticipation for Aurora's arrival.


Leah parked at the airport, and when Aurora approached her, Leah gave her a quick hug. They got into the car, with Leah taking the driver's seat. As they began to drive, Leah turned to Aurora and asked, "So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

Aurora looked out of the window for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "Not yet, Leah," she replied softly. "I'll tell you when we get home."

Leah chuckled slightly. "Home, huh?" She teased, raising an eyebrow. Aurora playfully hit her leg, causing Leah to feign offense. "Aurora, I'm driving! How dare you abuse me like this?"

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