chapter 1

38 2 12

Emma William

I was going to a cake shop to buy birthday cake for me , yeah I know it's my birthday and nobody knows it not even my friends nor my parents well it's okay what if someone remember it ??

As I was walking to my favourite cake shop when I entered I saw that my favourite flavour was gone wow what a great start for the day as I walked into the counter and give sabrina my order

" hey sabrina how's it going " I asked her
" I'm fine Emma how are you and your mom is she OK last night she came home very drunk " I was standing there embarrassed but I still answered
" yep she's absolutely fine like when she woke up she wouldn't remember what happened last night .

" oh OK so what can I do for you " sabrina asked me my order " well can I have Nutella cake please " I said
" OK right away " she went and bringing my cake after two minutes she came back with my cake

" anything special today "?? Sabrina asked " well today is my birthday and I'm buying a cake for me . She looked at me with compassion
" happy birthday Emma like I feel sad that you're enjoying your birthday all
alone" she said
" it's OK maybe mom remember it when she woke up , how much for the cake ??
I asked " oh it's 25 dollars but you can give me 20 since it's your birthday " .
I was thankful to her and I took my cake after paying the amount and left and hoping that she remember it after 15 minutes I came back and when I entered

" you bitch!! Where were you huh! Leaving your mom alone I need food make me some now!!" She made house full of mess and I was upset about it I don't like mess and she don't remember my birthday " here eat some cake " I gave it to her . " why are wasting money on stupid cakes huh! I need food not this junk" she threw away the cake on the floor tears were rolling down through my cheeks as I went to the kitchen to make food for mom I felt dizzy but after that my nose was bleeding and I ran into the bathroom and I vomit . It was blood coming out of my mouth.

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