chapter 16

16 3 11

Emma William

I was scared about the surgery, worried I might not make it and leave him alone. When I first found out about my condition, I wasn't sad or happy because I didn't have anyone. But now, I have someone I want to be with forever.

Sophia came and talked about her life and her relationship with David. She's happy, and they're getting married soon, but they've put it on hold because they want me to be there. I wish the best for them.

During break time, John came to me, not missing any chance to be with me. He was holding my hand softly, and I was just admiring him.

"Your hands are warm, John. I wish I could hold them forever," I said, trying not to tear up in front of him.

"I will never let you go, Emma. Have faith, you can do it," he said and kissed my hand.

Two hours later, it was time for my surgery. Everyone was ready. David looked at me and smiled, and I gave him a thumbs up. I tried not to worry, but I was afraid. I looked at John, who was serious like a doctor, but his eyes showed how scared he was. John gave a look to be prepared. I closed my eyes, slowly losing consciousness, and everything went blank.

After four hours, Sophia was in the waiting room, praying from time to time. The red light went off, and David came out to her.

"What happened, David? How did the surgery go? Is she okay? Where is John?" Sophia asked, looking at him. David gave her a disappointed look and looked down.

"No, this can't be," Sophia said, about to tear up. David hugged her and said, "We did it. She can live now." He looked at her and smiled.

"You bastard, you gave me a heart attack!" She started hitting him on his shoulders.

"Ow! That hurts, Sophia! Sorry, please stop," he said. She stopped and looked at him.

"I can't believe it. Where is John?" she asked, wiping her tears.

"He's with her, waiting for her to wake up. How about you give me some stress relief? Your fiancé is tired," he said with a smirk.

"No, go take a nap. All your stress will be gone," she said, leaving him alone. David laughed at her reaction and thought about how adorable she is.

I was looking at her, still in disbelief that we did it. I can live with her forever. She woke up and looked around. I went to her and helped her sit up properly, putting a blanket under her legs so she wouldn’t feel cold. Then I looked at her, and she was looking at me.

"We did it," she said. I nodded. She couldn’t believe it. I hugged her, and she started crying.

"We can live together, John. Thank you, John, thank you," she said. I broke the hug, looked at her, and said, "I should be the one to thank you, my star. You helped me when I was all alone in the darkness. You made me feel special, and you are my star, my forever star." I wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Will you marry me and make me the happiest person in the world?" I asked, not wanting to miss any chance.

"Yes! I will marry you, John," she said, pulling me into a kiss. It was the first time I felt real happiness. I thought this feeling didn’t exist, but now I could feel it because she was with me. We kissed like there was no tomorrow, happy tears streaming down. We touched our foreheads and let out small chuckles.

"Be ready to be stuck with me forever, Mr. John. I will be bullying you after marriage," she said.

"It would be an honor to be stuck with you forever, 19," I replied. She smiled at the nickname I gave her when she first came here. Now I can say I'm truly happy today.

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