chapter 13

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John Matthew


Me and David were having lunch, but I was distracted because I checked Emma's reports and got worried.

"Hey, you've been zoning out for a while now," David said, looking annoyed.

"I'm just worried," I replied.

"About who? Emma?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was reading her report and she's not doing well," I said, feeling scared.

"Don't stress about it, John. Spend time with her while you can. I'll handle other patients," David said kindly.

"Thanks, man. Bye," I said, grateful for his support, and headed to Emma's room.

When I opened the door, I saw Emma lying on the floor in a terrible state. I rushed to her, lifted her, and placed her on the bed. Blood was coming out of her nose, and I panicked.

"Nurse! David!" I yelled.

They rushed in, looking worried. I felt helpless, like I couldn't help her.

"John, go outside. I'll take care of it. Go," David said.

I stared at him, feeling numb, and went outside to get some air. Seeing Emma like that was my worst nightmare.

"Please wake up, Emma. I  need you," I whispered, hoping she would hear me.

After two hours

David came to me and said Emma was stressed but not in serious danger, though his eyes showed concern.

I went back to Emma's room and found her sleeping peacefully. I held her hand and cried, feeling scared like I hadn't in years. In that moment, I wasn't a doctor; I was just a person afraid of losing someone I loved.

"Emma, I'm here," I said, my voice breaking. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly.

"Did I scare you, John?" she asked softly.

"What happened? Why did you collapse? I was terrified when I saw you like that," I said, gripping her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry, John. I've made you worry so much. I don't deserve to be a good friend or lover," she said, tears in her eyes. I knew what she meant.

"Emma, I've already moved past all that. You don't need to bring it up again. I love you," I said. She closed her eyes, wanting to sleep again. I didn't want to disturb her, so I kissed her forehead and left the room.

Next day

"I'm taking a day off from the hospital," I told David, causing him to choke on his coffee.

"What?!" he exclaimed.

"I'll be back, but I really need a break," I explained, taking a small bite of cheesecake.

"Alright, we can get someone else to cover for you," he agreed, giving me a grateful smile.

"You're dressed up. Is it a date with Sophia?" I teased, smirking.

He blushed and looked away.

"Looks like it's a date. Alright, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy your time with Sophia," I said, grabbing my car keys and heading out to the hospital.

After checking on another patients I went to Emma's room and saw her she sat and looking at me

"I was waiting for you, John," Emma said as I entered her room. I went up to her, cupped her cheeks, and kissed her. She seemed surprised by the sudden kiss and pushed me away gently.

"Why are you kissing me all of a sudden, John?" she asked, blushing deeply.

"I just can't help it. Whenever I'm with you, I just want to hold you," I confessed, looking into her eyes before breaking the eye contact.

"Get ready. You're not staying in the hospital anymore," I said, starting to gather her things.

"Why? Why am I not staying?" she asked, confused.

"Because I want to take you far away from here," I replied, taking her hand, ready to start our new journey together.

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