chapter 18 ( last part)

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Emma/ John

My life turned out more beautiful after my illness. I never thought that my life could change so much. Three years ago, John and I got married. David and Sophia were blessed with a beautiful girl named Mary Jane, aka MJ.

As for me, I'm two months pregnant now. John has become more protective of me. If I make one wrong move, it could be dangerous for me and the baby. But seeing him work all the time makes me feel bad.

"I can at least bake the cake, John. It's not a big deal," I said while knitting a scarf for MJ.

"Nope, you sit here and relax while I go and bring the cake for them," he said, kissing my forehead.

"YOU'RE MAKING ME FEEL USELESS, JOHN! I'M SITTING ALL DAY DOING NOTHING!" I shouted, maybe because of mood swings. He came towards me, sighed, and put a hand on my belly.

"I don't want anything to happen to my baby and you, okay? So shout at me, punch me, but the answer will be the same. I'm sorry, star, but I have to do this," he said, then left for the bakery. While I was knitting, I heard the doorbell. I carefully stood up and checked who it was.

I opened the door, and Sophia hugged me tightly.

"Oh my God, Sophia, move! I can't breathe," I said, struggling out of her grip.

"I missed you so much, Emma! Sorry for ignoring you guys; MJ just turned four, and we've been busy with her new school schedule," she said, holding my hand. I gently caressed it.

"It's OK. I know we're all busy. Where are David and MJ?" I asked.

"Is someone missing me?" David said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"Nobody is missing you, David. I want to see my MJ," I said, folding my arms.

MJ came and hugged my left leg. I picked her up and kissed her cheeks.

"Oh, my Emma aunty missed you so much, my baby," I said and took her to the dining room.

"Where is John?" David asked, sitting comfortably on the sofa.

"Well, he's getting the cake for you guys. By the way, happy anniversary," I said, clapping a little.

"Thanks," they both said, and then John came in.

I came back from the bakery and already heard laughter from the dining room. I walked in and saw David and Sophia had arrived before me. Damn, I should've come sooner.

"Sorry, guys, there was a little traffic," I said, putting the cake on the kitchen table and picking up MJ.

"Hey, little sweet princess, did you miss your uncle?" I said.

"HEY!" I looked up and saw Emma looking angry. Oh God, her mood swings again.

I put MJ down and came to Emma, kneeling down.

"What happened, star?" I said, putting my hands on her legs.

"You said I was your princess. Now you're replacing me," she said, about to cry.

"My star, you are my queen now, and our little prince is on his way," I said. She smiled. Gosh, her beautiful smile.

David and Sophia were looking at us weirdly.

"Gosh, too much cringe here. David, did you bring ear buds? I need to protect my ears," Sophia said.

"You're right. What happened to John? Where did this anime boy come from? Hey guys, if you're done, can we cut the cake? It's already getting late," David said. We all stood up and celebrated their anniversary. After everything, they went back home. John and I were washing the dishes, and I was drying them.

"What a great time we had, right?" I said. He hummed and handed me another dish.

"The dishes are done. I will clean the rest. You go upstairs and res—" I suddenly kissed him. I couldn't handle it anymore. Why do I suddenly feel so horny? His hand went on my back and held me securely.

After our makeout session, we were breathing heavily.

"We can't do this. You're two months pregnant. Get your horny ass to bed and sleep," he said, turning around.

"Can't you just rest a little bit, huh?" I said, tapping my feet on the grass.

"Come and sleep with me. Let's cuddle. If you say no, then I will go and clean the backyard," I said, looking at him.

"You want to clean the backyard at night?" he said, folding his arms.

"OK, fine, let's go," he said, taking my hand, and we went upstairs.

He carefully put me on the bed and came beside me, hugging me tightly. His breath tickled my neck, but I liked it. I held his hand and kissed it.

"I love you, John," I said.

"I love you too, star," he said. I closed my eyes, waiting for our beautiful tomorrow.

(The end)💕

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