chapter 17

16 2 11

John Matthew

After a few weeks, Emma’s body was healing, and she no longer had to stay in the hospital after her surgery. Her wish was to visit her mom’s grave. Her heart broke when she realized she was alone. I couldn’t say anything to her; she needed space, and I gave it to her.

David and Sophia’s wedding date was near, so we decided to go shopping since we didn’t have any wedding clothes. I had already chosen mine, but it was taking a long time for her to decide. Sometimes, I swear, girls take forever.

"OK, so the baby pink or magenta pink?" she asked, standing there with two dresses in her hands while I sat there praying for us to leave.

"Both are amazing, dear," I said. She glared at me and replied, "Well, I can't wear two dresses at the same time, right? So be a gentleman and give your opinion. I'm confused." She tapped her feet in frustration.

"Try on both dresses and come out. Then I'll decide which one looks good on you, OK?" I suggested.

She thought about my idea for a moment and then agreed. First, she tried the magenta pink dress. After two minutes, she came out and called my name. I looked at her, but it wasn’t right.

"Change it. Try the baby pink," I said while looking at my phone.

"Why? This looks so good," she said.

"Well, this dress is too short and has no back. I don't want people seeing what's mine," I said, looking at her.

"Ohhh, someone is jealous, I see," she said with a smirk.

"Well, I'm protecting what's mine. Now go and change it." She took the other dress and went back into the changing room.

I looked at the photos David had sent me. Poor Sophia didn't know he secretly took her funny pictures.


I looked up and saw Emma in the baby pink dress. It felt like everything stopped; the dress fit her perfectly.

"How do I look?" she asked, worried she looked ugly.

"Breathtaking," I whispered, but I guess she heard it because her cheeks went red.

"Take this and let's go. You need to rest," I said. She nodded and went back to the changing room.

After shopping, we went back to our house. She was wrapping the gifts we bought for them, and I was making a decent meal for us. While I was cutting onions, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I knew who it was, so I continued cutting. She started kissing my back, giving me butterflies. I swear, this lady will be the death of me.

"If you want a different meal, you can ask me," I said with a smirk. She turned me around to face her and took out a big white scarf, wrapping it around my neck.

"I know it's late for a birthday present, but I wanted to make something for you. I made a scarf, and look at the corner. I wrote 'John' and made a star," she said, pausing for a second. "Do you like it?"

I looked at her and said, "I love it. You gave me two presents now."

"Two?" she asked, tilting her head.

"You're here with me, standing in front of me. You fought for us during the surgery. I thought I would lose you because it was a big risk, but you fought through it. That was the best present you gave me," I said, holding her cheek and rubbing my thumb over it.

"You hated me back then, John. I was no good; I bullied you. How can you still love me so deeply?" she said with a cracked voice.

"I loved you from the first time I saw you. From the start, I knew you were a good person, but the people you hung around with brainwashed you, and you became one of them. At that time, I couldn't handle it because my father hated me and didn't believe me. So, I thought it was your fault and started hating you. But then I realized, how could he not believe his own son? So, I stopped blaming you," I explained.

She looked like she wanted to say something but seemed tired.

"Let's go to the room and forget about the past. You need rest for the big day tomorrow," I said. She nodded, and we both went back to our room.

Finally, it was David and Sophia’s wedding day. They made a beautiful couple. It was a small wedding with only a few people invited: me, Emma, Sophia’s father, and a few others. After the ceremony, we all sat together like a reunion because they were leaving for Turkey for their honeymoon.

"Can I say I married the most beautiful and annoying woman in my life?" David said. Sophia slapped his shoulder.

"You are also annoying," Sophia replied, making him chuckle.

"Well, guys, I think after our honeymoon, you two should get married and give us lots of babies," David said. Emma blushed and looked down.

"Hey, stop. We will get married soon, but we need time, physically and mentally," I said.

"Emma, did you guys decide where you will go for your honeymoon?" Sophia asked, making Emma flustered.

"OK!! I think you both should leave now because it's getting late," Emma said, her face turning red.

David and Sophia liked to tease her about this topic. I will miss them while they are gone for a month, but I guess it will fly by in the blink of an eye.

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