chapter 3

11 2 9

John Matthew

I was currently sitting at chair and finishing some business where I left it .... I love my work being a doctor was a tough thing but somehow I did it I love to help people I really want to make great bond between me and my patients

" Am I disturbing you " David said he came inside and start to bothering me again . " yes you are disturbing me as always what do you want David " I asked being annoyed.  " do you remember Sophia and Emma?" He asked

" of course I remember them " I said without showing any emotion . " well they are coming here to vist us , not only vist but check up too Emma needs it so can you check her up please" David said

" why the fuck do you want to me check her up I don't like her I hate her do it by yourself you're also a doctor " I said being pissed off . " well you know how much I like Sophia after years she came back and I don't want to miss a chance and besides that you love your patients right Emma is also a patient " he said although he knows that girl made my life miserable

Still this basterd wants me to check her up well I guess I have no choice then
" OK I will do it as quick as possible " I said . " OK great they will be here soon so get ready and patient no 12 is calling you " he said while taking some files from here . " they have names David why do call them by numbers " I asked

" because I like it now come let's go " he said . I hope they won't come

Emma William

I dressed up decent and waiting for Sophia so that we can go to the hospital although I'm so nervous to meet him I hope he won't remember me

" let's go sorry for being " she said .
" no it's OK let's go " I said

After ten minutes we were at the hospital it's pretty decent and nice some patients were old and some very young I was looking around and some guy came up and asked . " are you Emma?? " he said . " yeah I am and who are you ?? I said being confused.  " I'm David remember " he said. " ohh David hi " I said and hugged him . " how are you and why are you doctor I thought you wanted to be basketball player" I said

" I don't even know the rules of basketball it was john who loved it " he said.  " you should go and meet John since he will do your check up,  go upstairs and over your right there is his office ok " he said while I leave Sophia and David alone I was so nervous when I arrived to his office I knocked on the the door he hummed and told me to come in , as I entered his face was emotionless as I sit in front of him

" hi John how are you " I said.  " hmm I'm fine so tell me what happened.  He said I guess he didn't want to talk me .
" well two days ago blood came out of my nose and mouth and recently I'm feeling very dizzy " I said " well you should've come earlier I give you some tests so do it and don't worry it's free so you can go now and do the tests and when the results comes up I will call you give your number to the receptionist"

He said without even looking at me I really wanted to apologise and be friends with him but I guess he doesn't want it so I took the paper he gave me and left after the tests me and Sophia went back to home

Sophia looked very happy after meeting David it was so obvious that David loves her everyone deserves love but do I deserve it ?? I was in love with my ex boyfriend but he was a jerk and left me I'm afraid that am I ok ?? Maybe I'm thinking to much but John he looked so different ,cold but yet he was warm and soft maybe right now all I can do is that I have to apologise for everything

But will he forgive me ?? Will he .

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