chapter 2

18 2 10

Emma William

I was flying... there were so many stars and beautiful clouds but why I was up in the clouds and stars??

Am I dead?? ...... but suddenly my phone rang and I woke up and it was all dream thank god it was a dream I checked my phone who is calling me , it was an unknown number was calling me I picked up

" hello who is this?" I was waiting for reply.. " Emma!! It's me Sophia your high school friend don't you remember me ? " I actually forgot who was she but suddenly I remembered that she was my high school best friends we lost contact since she left Canada and moved to another country

" hey Sophia how are you , yeah and sorry I couldn't recognise you earlier " I said . " it's okay we lost contact and then suddenly I called you actually I have to tell you I'm coming back to Canada so can we meet up ?? She said . " are you here already?? . I said " yeah that's why I  called you to ask are you free today .

" yeah I'm free today wait let me send you location of new cafe ok I will be there " I said she hummed and cut the call and I send her the location I get up and got ready for the sudden meet up I went down stairs and looked at mom she was crying I got panic and went to her .

" mom are you alright why are crying " I said being worried.  " I miss your father alot it's all your fault if I never got pregnant he wouldn't left me just get out of my sight leave!!. I took my purse and left wishing that I would never come back ....

After fifteen minutes Sophia came I was waiting for her she came and hugged me tightly.  " I missed you so much Emma " she said " I missed you too come on let's have a seat . We sat and ordered some coffee and muffins.  " so how are you how was everything in new Zealand. I said " well everything is fine over there I actually came here because I missed Canada and you so I came back and I will return to new Zealand after two months but now I'm here to enjoy my time so what about you how's everything.  I was thinking if I should tell her about the blood thing maybe I should I have no other friend . " yesterday I was making lunch for my  mother and suddenly blood came out my nose and mouth . I said " What!! You should go to the doctor this not right Emma.  " I have no money sis . I said " I will pay for it you just go for check up . She said " no I don't need it please I don't know if could pay you back or not . I said being worried " hey I don't need your money I just want you to check up and if you don't have money for check up ... don't you remember David?? She said

" David?? Who is he " I said being confused because this name sounds so familiar.  " David and John our best friends they recently opened a free hospital for who can't pay fees . She said but she said another name . " what was the another name?? I said.  " john Matthew don't you remember him the guy who you used to bully him so much they both recently opened a new hospital maybe we should vist them " she said .

John Matthew maybe I remember him but I don't know if he remember me or not I hope not because I was so cruel with him ......

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