chapter 5

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Emma William

I packed my things to leave home, telling my mom I was going on a trip. Since Sophia arrived, I couldn't tell my mom the truth. As I walked downstairs, I saw her peacefully sleeping. I wished I could tell her that maybe I wouldn't be able to come back ever again, but I couldn't say it. With that, I left the house. After waiting outside for 7 minutes, Sophia arrived in her car.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Come on in," she said. I got inside, and we headed to the hospital. Sophia knows about my condition, so she didn't ask any questions. After an hour, we arrived at the hospital.

John Matthew

I was busy with my patients, discussing their conditions, when suddenly David exclaimed, "Hey dude, they're here." I didn't know what he was so excited about. I just nodded and followed David. When we arrived, I saw them standing there. I looked at Emma; her eyes were beautiful, but there were tears behind them. Why am I thinking about her like that? Focus, John, focus.

"So, are you ready to go to your room, Ms. Emma?" I said. She just nodded and grabbed her bag. "Call me anytime if you need me, okay, Emma? I'll visit you," Sophia said, hugging her. After that, Sophia and David left together, and I escorted Emma to her room.

"This is your room, remember, room number 19. And there's a button over there; if you press it for an emergency, nurses will come. Any questions?" I said, keeping my expression neutral.

"No, I don't want to ask, but there's one thing," she said. "Hmm, go on," I said.

"Can you please forgive me? I know I've done many bad things to you, and I know-"

"Look, this is my workplace, and you're my patient, so it's better if we leave our past behind. Besides, you don't have much time, so focus on yourself. As for forgiveness, I will never forgive you."

With that, I left the room. Something inside me felt like I was a bit rude, but I didn't care. I don't like her. Remember, you hate her. I shouldn't care about her that much, right?

Emma William

After some nurses came and gave me injections and medication, they set everything up and left. After they put the needle in my arm, I started feeling sick and my mind went numb. Then someone came in.

"Hey, how are you feeling right now?" John said.

"I'm fine, but I feel sick and numb," I said. I was a bit surprised that he was speaking so nicely. Not that he ever talked to me rudely, but his voice was soft.

"Well, that's because your body is changing, and you're getting a lot of medicines, so your body couldn't handle the new changes, and..."

"Sorry for being rude. Actually, I won't talk to you like this again, but that doesn't mean I forgive you," he said.

"Well, you'll change that soon, doctor, because I will ask for your forgiveness every time," I said. He just stood up, chuckled at my response, and left the room.

Maybe this is a good start for us. He's a bit cold, but he's a good person, and I'll try to be friends with him.

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