chapter 6

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12 years ago

John Matthew

I was getting ready for school, even though I don't like it. I really don't want to go because of Emma Williams. She always bullies me and blames me for things that aren't my fault.

As I was heading downstairs, my dad stopped me. "John, if I hear another complaint from you, you'll be in big trouble, boy," he said before leaving for work. He didn't even offer me a ride; walking to school alone was my punishment.

My mom gave me my lunchbox and left.

After about 16 minutes, I was walking down the hallway when someone pushed me hard, making me fall and drop all my books. I got up, grabbed my books, and turned around.

"Why did you push me, Jacob?" I asked, angry at Emma's boyfriend.

"Because you were in our way, right babe?" he said, looking at Emma.

"Right, John. You were in my way, so I was just making some space, loser. And don't ever talk to my boys like that again, got it, you little bastard?" Emma said, and then they both left me standing there with tears in my eyes.

I don't understand why she hates me. I've never done anything to her. She's so beautiful, with those pretty hazel eyes. Yeah, I have a crush on my bully, but what can I do? She's so beautiful, yet she's like a devil.

After lunch, I went to the library to grab some books. While I was there, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked around, but no one was there. I thought maybe I was just imagining things, so I decided to focus on getting my books and leaving.

Then, I heard someone call out, "Hey, loser!" I turned around and saw Emma sitting at a table with Jacob, surrounded by books. "What do you want?" I asked, feeling annoyed.

"Nothing, we were just bored, so I thought we'd have some fun, right?" Emma said, making me nervous. Then, they both stood up and started throwing books at me. They were throwing them really hard, laughing as they did it. I tried to protect myself with my hands, but some books got ruined, and others ended up on the floor.

After about an hour of making a mess in the library, they finally left. Then, the librarian came over and started shouting at me for the mess, even though I didn't do anything. It felt like it might be my last day at school because they were going to complain to my dad again.

When I got home, my dad was furious. He started hitting me, which he never did before, all because of Emma. My mom intervened and sent me to my room. I hate Emma Williams. I hate her so much.

Emma William

The next day, I felt so tired, but I couldn't skip school. I hate my life sometimes. Anyway, I got ready, caught the bus, and went to school.

I was talking to Sophia about some silly stuff like we always do, but something felt different today. So, I asked her, "Hey, Sophia, do you know where John is? I didn't see him in class today."

"Well, I don't know. Yesterday, you guys did something terrible to him. Maybe he's scared. Emma, please stop tormenting an innocent person. You're not like that. Go and apologize to him," she said.

Maybe she was right. I didn't know why I even did that to him. I should say sorry. While I was thinking, Jacob showed up.

"Hey, girls, am I missing something?" he said, putting his hands around my waist.

"Well, Jacob, have you seen John?" Sophia asked.

"Don't you guys know? He went to London," he said, shocking me. I didn't even get a chance to apologize. His dad sent him away, far away. I messed up really bad. I guess I'll never get to see him again...

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