chapter 14

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Emma William


He took me to a place four hours away. It's beautiful, with a cute cottage and a nice view. It's really cold here, but he keeps me warm. I'm worried that our happiness won't last, and it'll end badly. He'd be alone, and I don't want that for him. He's so kind, and I'm not sure "Is this your cottage? How come you don't stay here? The view is so beautiful," I said as I sat between his legs. He reached out and started playing with my hair.

"Well, Dad got this cottage for Mom, but they moved to London, so Mom gave me the keys and told me to take care of it," he said as we gazed at the stars. It was such a beautiful moment that I hesitated to ask.

"John," I said softly.

He hummed in response.

"How will you find me when I die?" I asked. He withdrew his hand from my hair and replied, "Please don't say that, Emma," his voice breaking.

"You'll find me. Just look at the stars and count them; you'll find me," i said,he  hugged me tightly as tears streamed down his face.

"John," I said, gently lifting his face and wiping away his tears.

The night was both sweet and sad for us, but as he held me while I slept, I felt like I could stay in his arms forever.we're right for each other. But our destiny was not with us .

The next day

John woke up early and started moving things around in the kitchen. I woke up to a delicious smell and went downstairs to see what he was up to. When I got to the kitchen, I saw him flipping omelettes. He looked so handsome doing it; I didn't realize the house could look beautiful from the inside too.

"What's the occasion, John? You made a lot of breakfast," I asked as I walked over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Sophia and David are coming over for breakfast. They said they have news to share. What do you think it could be, sweetheart?" he said as he set the plates on the table, and we sat on the couch.

"Well, maybe Sophia is working with him," I said. He laughed and took my hand.

"I think they might announce that they're in a relationship," he said.

"No!" I exclaimed, shocked at the idea of Sophia liking David, especially since she's supposed to get engaged when she goes back home.

The doorbell rang, and John went to open it.

"Hey dude, what's up?" David said, giving John a hug. Sophia greeted us as well, and we all sat down to have breakfast together.

"So, David, what's the big news?" John asked, taking a bite of his bread.

"Well, we are," David hesitated, then took Sophia's hand, and they both said it together, "We are getting married!"

"What?!" John and I exclaimed simultaneously, looking at each other, realizing we were both wrong before.

"Congratulations, David and Sophia. But how, and so suddenly?" I asked.

"Well, Sophia's father is pressuring her to marry some rich guy he found, thinking she has no one in her life. But things changed when I came along, and I want to marry this beautiful girl right away so nobody else can snatch her," David explained.

Sophia looked embarrassed and said to David, "You didn't have to be cheesy. Just say that you like me, and we'll get married soon."

"Well, I know you like that a lot. Just trying to play it cool, but you're a softie for me, princess," David winked at her, and we all laughed at their silliness.

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