chapter 10

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Emma William

"Hello," I greeted the person who knocked on the door.

"Yes, come in," I invited, turning to see who it was.

"Emma, how are you?" she asked, giving me a hug.

"I'm good, and you? How are the cupcakes?" I responded, picking up a cupcake.

"Yeah, it was John's birthday, so I got some cupcakes. Have one," she offered. I took a bite and it was delicious.

"So, are you and John okay with each other?" she inquired. I hesitated, unsure of what to say since he hadn't accepted my apology yet.

"Well, yeah, he's just my doctor, nothing more," I replied, looking down.

"Emma, do you love him?" she suddenly asked, catching me off guard.

"Why ask so suddenly?" I responded.

"You do love him, don't you?" she insisted.

"Yes, I do love him, Sophia," I admitted, surprised by her question.

"Since when? And how? Tell me everything," she pressed.

"Since the first time he took me to the backyard park," I revealed, recalling that moment vividly.

"Park?" she questioned, confused.

"Yeah, there's a park in the backyard," I explained, recounting all the details of our time together. Despite not having many funny or romantic moments, whenever he's with me, I feel safe.

After Sophia left, I felt uneasy. Maybe I should call him. I looked down at the button and pressed it. A nurse came in.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Williams?" the nurse asked me.

"Yeah, can you call the doctor, please? I just don't feel right," I said. She nodded and left. After a few minutes, he arrived.

"Any problem, 19?" he said, his tone cold again. Sometimes I wished I could melt away all his coldness and toss it out the window.

"Yes, I'm feeling a bit uneasy, and my stomach hurts," I said. He approached me, checked the monitor, then sat beside me.

"It's because we gave you some injections yesterday. Your body shows late reactions, so you're feeling it now. You're too weak inside," he explained. He stood up, about to leave.

"Can I please go outside, to a café or mall? I feel even sicker staying in this room for 24 hours," I pleaded, annoyed because I couldn't take it anymore.

"No, you're already sick, and I can't risk it. It's better for you to stay here," he said firmly.

"Oh, come on, please! I can't stay here just for once? Then I won't ask again," I begged.

"Enough!" he snapped. "I said you're not going. Understand, there are more patients who want to go out and live freely but can't. They're not even asking. Be mature and stay here!" He slammed the door shut with a loud thump.

John Matthew

I felt guilty for shouting at her after spending a lot of time thinking about it. I was worried because I  lost a patient before due to carelessness, and now she's being careless too. You're concerned she might collapse at any time, and I'm unsure if I  could save her. I debated whether or not to apologize, but eventually decided to go to her room and say sorry.

I walked to her room and opened the door. She was sitting there, looking angry, but she still looked cute. I sat down beside her.

"Hey 19, I'm sorry for shouting at you. I didn't mean it. I just lost a patient because he was careless, and now you want to go outside. I'm sorry," I said.

"No, I won't accept your apology unless you take me outside," she replied.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, if you're with me, then nothing will happen to me," she said firmly.

"I can't. I have other patients too," I explained.

"You have other doctors too," she argued, and I reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, but only for two hours," I conceded.

"Okay, finally, I'm going on a date," she exclaimed.

"A date?!" I exclaimed, confused.

"Yeah, be my boyfriend for two hours," she said with a mischievous grin.

"Are you crazy? I'm not doing that," I said, shocked.

"Oh, come on. First, you shouted at a dying patient, and now you're not even helping me make my dream come true," she pleaded.

"Huh, is that your dream?" I asked.

"Well, it's a wish. Please, please," she begged. I sighed, realizing I didn't have a choice.

"Fine," I agreed reluctantly, hoping I wouldn't regret it later.

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