chapter 4

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John Matthew

While I was fixing my coffee in the office, pondering what to tell Ms. Nina about her case, which seemed bleak, someone entered abruptly.

"Sir, the test reports for Ms. Emma are here," she announced.

I wasn't too invested in Ms. Emma's case, but as her doctor, I couldn't simply ignore it.

"Okay, just leave them on the desk. I'll go over them later," I replied, my mind elsewhere.

She placed the files on my desk and left. As I opened the file to check her condition, I was taken aback by what I found.

Emma William

I went to the pharmacy to pick up some medicine for my sick mother. After getting some painkillers, I headed home. Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Hello, who's calling?" I asked, pausing to hear the response.

"Are you Emma William?" the caller asked.

"Yes, that's me," I confirmed.

"Could you please come to the hospital? Your test results are in, and Dr. John wants to see you," she said.

Feeling scared, I stood there, thinking about what the results might reveal. I agreed to go and hung up the phone. After getting my mother's medicines, I hurried to the hospital.

After waiting for an hour in John's office, I noticed a picture from his high school days. He looked adorable but also fragile, and I felt guilty for making his life difficult. I couldn't resist touching the photo.

"Put it back where it was," John demanded, catching me off guard. I quickly returned the photo to its place, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy," I apologized, feeling ashamed. John didn't say anything. He sat down and handed me some papers.

"You need to be admitted to the hospital. Your condition is serious; you have leukemia," he explained. I couldn't comprehend how I could have this illness. I was terrified.

"Am I going to die?" I asked tearfully. "We can't say for sure, but we'll do our best. You need to be here so we can take care of you," he said with concern.

"How much time do I have?" I inquired, tears streaming down my face.

"If you're admitted right away, maybe six or seven months. If not, it could be sooner," he explained. I stood up to leave, but before I did, I asked, "Which room will I be staying in?"

"We'll decide that later. Bring your belongings tomorrow; you'll be staying here," he instructed. I nodded and left, feeling overwhelmed.

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