Chapter 1

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Someone said this right, putting flowers on a grave doesn't bring back a dead person to life.

We often miscalculate human intellect, nature and abilities to an extent that we are not able to understand the intentions and swift moves of the ones who only use their minds and not emotions.

As humans, we are a slave of our emotions, working on their pattern and ignoring the intuition like it never warned us for the worst circumstances out there.

In today's world, manipulation is an art, the manipulator, an artist. The one who manipulates the manipulator then, is the creator of that artist.

Seoul National university, Korea

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first position goes to..." The speaker created suspense amongst the audience but a group of boys was sure of the name, ofcourse, Jeon Jungkook.

"Elenora Hilton!" The speaker exclaimed as the girl walked up to the stage to receive the shield.

"Many congratulations."

"Who's she?" One of the boys asked, confused.

"Some new admission I guess." Another scoffed.

The boy in the middle clenched his jaw in fury and got up, leaving the hall. "Jungkook!"

"Why are you losing your patience because of a mere girl? It's just once, you'll bring her down in no time, man!" The boy patted Jungkook's back as he jerked him off.

"This bitch-" He cussed under her breath as the 3 boys had left the hall.

"Who is she anyways?" Ryan asked his other friend, Heesung as he just shrugged. "I guess she moved here in this university around a week ago and she's from Germany."

"What else do you know about her?" Jungkook asked. "That's all." He sighed.

"Get me her details, who's this cheap girl who dared to stand in my way?" Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled out a box of cigarettes, lighting one after putting it in his mouth. He blew out the smoke but his mind lingered on her thoughts, no doubt, he started developing hate towards her because she took his position, more like, challenged him, unknowingly.


Elenora opened the apartment door and a little sigh escaped her lips, it was a house, not a home. No one to welcome her, no one to ask how her day was... Except the only on family member who was least interested... No one to share your achievements with, results in nothing but grief of being alone on the top where you can't even smile.

Elenora sat down on the couch, tilting her neck either ways, she glanced at the shield she received today, no emotions on her face.

"I am home." A beautiful young lady entered, her sister, Amaara Hilton. She was 7 years older than Elenora and they both were not on good terms probably because of their massive age difference and also because Amaara distanced herself from Elenora, considering her the cause of their parent's death.

Lana Walton and Russo Hilton we're married and were blessed with Amaara as their first daughter and then Elenora after 7 years of her birth. It was quite evident that Elenora was the favorite child of the family and one day, in response to her persuasion, her parents took her out to get ice cream.

Amaara didn't go because she had her homework pending and stayed home, but unexpectedly, a bad accident took place, unknown who did it and why he did it, or it was really an accident, only Elenora survived with only minor injuries, meanwhile both Lana and Russo died on the spot.

Elenora was only 6, hence she had no idea on how to explain what had happened, but the trauma stuck to her as a nightmare her entire life, she became quiet and non affectionate...

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