We'll Look Away (4/18/24)

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I see your smile without even looking at you

Your gaze shifts down when I look over

So if I can imagine your face I'll smile to myself

When I know I'm meant to love

Someone else

I'll keep your memory with me and think of you

When you won't look right at me

Right away, right now

Far away, not now

Not ever

Never meant to love you

Not that I don't like you a lot more than I should

There's something on your mind

Don't you have things you want to say to me?

There are more things than there should be

On my mind to say to you

I'll never speak

I'll never tell


I'll just be silent

Perfectly quiet

Looking the other way

Turn the other path

Right away, far away

So when the aftermath comes

I'll think of how I turned away

How I could see your smile without even looking

And I'll smile to myself

Remembering your gentle words and the afternoon glances

Streetlights in the summertime

And that old town

With people like you

On my mind

There's definitely things you want to say to me

There's more than there should be

To say to you

So if I can imagine

So can you

If I can look away

So can you

Two toy soldiers can play at that game

The enemy of your enemy can sometimes be more than a friend

We can walk away

I'll walk away

I'll smile to myself

And I imagine I'll hope

Somewhere, somehow

Some way

You'll be smiling in the summertime

Thinking of me

The girl who always looked away

Because she hated how she loved you.

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