2: the war hammer titan

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As I slowly emerge from the depths of sleep, I find myself greeted by the sight of my sister, Lara, gracefully entering my room with breakfast in hand. Her impeccable appearance is a stark contrast to my disheveled state—messy hair and tired eyes.

Sitting up, I rub my eyes in an attempt to shake off the remnants of sleep while Lara settles herself at the end of my bed. Her gaze sweeps across the room, landing on the scattered clothes strewn about. With a quirk of her eyebrow, she jests, "Did a certain someone happen to be here last night?" I shoot her a knowing look, silently confirming her suspicions, and she responds with a laugh.

I rise from the bed, stretching my limbs as I contemplate my wardrobe options for the day. Lara, always the more fashion-savvy of the two of us, joins me, taking charge of the selection process. "What about this?" I suggest, holding up a vibrant red strapless mini dress. However, before I can even entertain the idea, she gives me a disapproving look. "Are you trying to get kicked out of this family?" she quips, swiftly returning the dress to its place in the wardrobe.

With a self-deprecating chuckle, I reply, "I mean, it has crossed my mind," earning a playful swat from Lara. Together, we share a moment of laughter before she shifts gears, her tone turning more serious. "You have nothing appropriate for this evening. Get dressed, and we must go shopping," she declares, already making her way out of the room.

Dragging myself out for shopping isn't exactly my idea of a good time, but I know it's a necessary evil. As I make my way to the entrance of our home, I'm greeted by Lara, and together, we're met with the infectious smiles of Gabi and Falco, standing eagerly on the doorstep.

Before I can even utter a word, they both exclaim, "Luna!" and envelop me in their enthusiastic embrace, their arms wrapping around my hips and legs. I can't help but return their affection, bending down to their height with a wide smile. "What are you two doing here?" I inquire, genuinely pleased by their presence.

"We wanted to see if you wanted to play!" Gabi responds eagerly, her excitement contagious. Glancing at Lara, I suggest, "Come on, how can we say no to them?"

Lara's small smile confirms her agreement as she proposes, "We need to go dress shopping. How about you two come with us?" She looks to us three for our responses.

Gabi jumps up and down with enthusiasm. "Yes, please!" she exclaims, her eyes shining with anticipation. Turning to Falco, I gently ask, "How about you, Falco?"

The shy boy plays with his thumbs, his gaze fixed on the ground as he considers. "I guess I can come along and help, but you have to buy us an ice cream," he negotiates, earning an excited response from Gabi.

"That sounds like a deal to me," I agree with a grin, already picturing the fun-filled afternoon ahead as we step out into the front yard and begin our journey to the shops.

Entering the boutique, I'm immediately greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors and textures, the air filled with the scent of luxury. Gabi and Falco waste no time in making themselves comfortable on the lounge, a sanctuary for those unwilling participants of the shopping expedition. I may just join them if boredom sets in.

Meanwhile, Lara seamlessly transitions into conversation with the shop owner, discussing our purpose for being here. Knowing her determination, I decide to at least peruse the racks, knowing she won't let me leave empty-handed.

As I scan the array of dresses, nothing quite catches my eye until Gabi rushes over, clutching a dress in her arms with uncontainable excitement. "Ms. Luna! Ms. Luna! Wear this one!" she insists, her enthusiasm infectious. I take the dress from her and hold it up, considering its merits. It's not a bad choice, and it aligns with my preferences.

born to die - levi ackerman x titan shifter (OC)Where stories live. Discover now