7: what lies beneath

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Awakening to the warmth enveloping me, I slowly open my eyes, feeling a sense of disorientation. As I glance down, I find two arms securely wrapped around my waist. My initial panic subsides as I recognise them as Zeke's. Memories of the previous night flood back, fragmented and hazy, drowned in the blur of alcohol. I turn my head to face Zeke's sleeping form beside me, uncertainty gnawing at me. Did we engage in something intimate? I need clarity, and I need it now.

Gently, I shake Zeke, hoping to rouse him without causing alarm. His eyes flutter open, and upon seeing me, he pulls me closer. It's a bit too close for comfort, so I gently extricate myself. Zeke reaches for his glasses on the bedside table, his movements deliberate as he sits up. Seated beside him, I gather the courage to voice my burning question. "Did we... you know... have sex?" The hesitation in my tone betrays my anxiety.

Zeke's laughter breaks the tension, and I turn to gauge his reaction. "No, we didn't," he answers, his tone reassuring. "You asked me to just stay with you, so I did." Relief washes over me like a wave, and I silently thank whatever higher power might be listening. Zeke rises from the bed, slipping back into his clothes from the night before. Turning to me, he inquires about my plans for the day.

Lost in thought, I ponder my agenda for the day. With no training scheduled, the weekend offers an open canvas for leisure. Unsure of my intentions, I respond with a shrug. "I'll be in meetings all day," Zeke informs me, "maybe you can explore." I nod in acknowledgment, grateful for the suggestion. Perhaps I can take this opportunity to familiarize myself better with the members of the regiment. With his farewell, Zeke leaves the room, leaving me to contemplate the day ahead.

Stepping out of my room, I make sure to lock the door behind me before setting off towards the showers. As I walk down the hallway, lost in my thoughts, I nearly miss the figure of Levi leaning against the wall adjacent to Hange's door. His presence catches me off guard, and I glance up to meet his gaze, noting the blank expression on his face.

"Oh," I mutter, offering a small smile. "Good morning, Levi." It's an unexpected encounter; Levi isn't someone I'd typically expect to find lingering outside my room. His response, however, is far from conventional.

"Saw Zeke leave your room just now," he remarks, his tone neutral. I furrow my brow, unsure of his intentions.

"And?" I reply, my confusion evident. Levi simply turns to knock on Hange's door, signaling his apparent disinterest in further conversation with me. Taking the hint, I continue past him and Hange's room, heading towards the showers.

After a refreshing shower, wrapped snugly in my towel, I return to my room to get dressed for the day. As I step into the room, I notice that Levi is no longer outside Hange's door, his presence seemingly evaporated into thin air.

As I found myself in Hange's office later in the day, drowning in the tedium of paperwork, I couldn't shake the monotony of it all. Hange diligently explained the importance of these administrative tasks, each one seemingly carrying the weight of a crucial assignment. I sat opposite Hange, my legs crossed, struggling to maintain interest as they walked me through the paperwork.

"So it's simple, really," Hange concluded, but I caught myself nearly nodding off, my head heavy in my hands.

"Luna," Hange's voice snapped me back to attention, and I quickly straightened up.

"Sorry, I almost fell asleep out of pure boredom," I admitted. Hange chuckled, but our conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I resumed my slouched position, almost unaware of Levi's entrance until he spoke. His words were sharp, dripping with disdain. I prepared to retaliate, but something stopped me in my tracks as I turned to face him. This wasn't the Levi I was used to; he was dressed in a surprisingly formal ensemble—grey pants, a crisp white shirt, and a matching jacket. It was his version of casual wear, and I couldn't deny that he looked rather striking.

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