5: Omni-Directional Mobility gear

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After the tension in the officers' lounge calmed down, Hange explained their plan to take me out to the field and have me shift into my titan form. They promised it was purely to assess my abilities, but there was a hint of excitement in Hange's voice that made me wonder if they were just eager to see another titan in action.

We head out to the open field located next to the forest, where there are large "fake" titan cutouts set up for practice. "So, you want me to shift into my titan, show off a bit, and then shift back?" I clarify, and Hange nods enthusiastically. Zeke chimes in, "Yeah, basically that," with a hint of laughter. Levi is with us, standing next to Hange, but he doesn't offer any input on the situation.

I nod and step back from them. "Okay, here we go," I say, bringing my hand up to my face slowly. I turn away from them, biting down hard on my hand to trigger my transformation into titan form. Standing tall in the sky, I look down at the others, seeing Hange jumping up and down like a little kid who just got a lollipop. I walk away from them, focusing my hardening technique into my hands as I approach the trees and titan targets. Landing multiple hits on both, I demonstrate the sheer strength of my ability.

Feeling confident, I decide to show off a bit, running across the field to display my agility. After giving Hange a show, I start to walk back to them. Crouching down, I pull myself out of the titan's nape, feeling my body cool down from the touch of the cool wind. Claps resound from below, and I look down to see both Zeke and Hange clapping with amused expressions, while Levi looks unbothered.

I climb down my titan's body and land on the ground in front of them. "How was that?" I ask, already knowing that I did an amazing job. Levi scoffs at my question, saying, "Show off," which makes me tense up at the harshness of his voice. Hange, still jumping up and down, exclaims, "That was amazing! Your female titan form looks so beautiful," earning a playful nudge from Zeke. "Okay, but this doesn't prove anything. She needs to excel in combat and ODM gear," Levi interjects, glaring at Hange. "He's right," Zeke admits, nodding in agreement.

As we walk back to the training field, Levi and Hange stride ahead, with Zeke and I following behind. Zeke sparks up a conversation, "I forgot how skilled you are in your titan form," he playfully says. I turn to him, smiling, "It's been a while," I reply. Zeke then adds, "Hange is right, your titan form is definitely something else," and I wonder, was he flirting with me? "Is that so?" I add on, flirting never hurt nobody. Zeke laughs, brushing his hand through his hair, and our conversation comes to an end as we approach the room which holds all the gear they were going on about. What ever this ODM stuff is?

Hange grabs what looks to be some sort of apparatus. "So, this is ODM gear," they say excitedly. Zeke quickly adds, "Omni-Directional Mobility gear," and my mouth forms an O shape as I now understand what it is, but not what it can do. Hange points out all the components: hand grips, piston-shot grapple-hooks, gas-powered mechanism, and iron wire propeller with plug-in blades. they hand it to me and starts strapping it up to my body. I notice that the straps which cover Levi's pants are the same straps in place to hold this gear.

"How does that feel?" Hange asks, stepping away from me to allow me to get used to the feel of this gear. "Odd," I say in return. We step out to see Levi talking to what looks like his cadets. I watch as he instructs them with a new training routine they would be going over today. Zeke places his hand on my lower back and speaks to me, "We're going to pair you up with Mikasa. She follows closely in Levi's steps." I smile at Mikasa as she walks over to us. Levi dismisses his group and heads over to us, saying to Mikasa, "Go easy on her," before walking away to watch his group train. Mikasa takes me away from Hange and Zeke and begins explaining the gear to me.

"The simplest move possible with the ODM gear is simply aiming and firing the grapple hooks at an object and then activating the gas mechanism to reel oneself toward the said object. They can then disconnect the hook and continue moving forward," she says calmly, and I think I understand. "Just watch this," she says before demonstrating what she had just said. I watch in awe as she releases her gear and sends her body moving forward into the air, landing on a nearby tree. I must admit, that was amazing, unlike anything I've ever seen.

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