10: clash of the titans

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The dim lights of the bar cast a warm glow over the crowded room, the air thick with the buzz of conversation and the clink of glasses. Hange and I settle into our usual spot at the table, the anticipation of the night ahead already coursing through our veins. Tonight, I've chosen a black tight mini dress, paired with my oversized leather jacket, a look that exudes both confidence and defiance.

As the shots make their way to our table, I raise a glass to Hange, the alcohol burning its fiery path down my throat. It's a familiar ritual, a way to shed the weight of the week and lose ourselves in the moment.

But our peace is soon interrupted by the arrival of a familiar figure. Levi approaches our table, and despite my instinct to ignore him, I find myself unable to look away. Hange's excited greeting hangs in the air, but I remain silent, my gaze fixed firmly on Levi.

"Hey, Levi!" Hange's enthusiastic greeting breaks through the ambient noise of the bar, drawing my attention to the approaching figure.

Ignoring him, I focus on my drink, willing myself to remain composed despite his presence.

Levi takes a seat at our table, his gaze fixed on me. "Mind if we have a chat?" he asks, his tone surprisingly soft.

Reluctantly, I meet his gaze, weighing his request. "Fine," I reply tersely, still guarded.

Hange excuses themselves with a knowing smile, leaving Levi and me alone.

Levi clears his throat, his expression tense. "I wanted to apologise for my behavior at the hospital," he says, his voice low.

I arch an eyebrow, surprised by his admission. "Oh?" I respond, my tone skeptical.

Levi nods, his gaze steady. "Yeah. I was out of line," he admits, a hint of remorse in his voice.

I hesitate, caught off guard by his unexpected apology. "Thanks, I guess," I reply, my tone cautious.

Levi nods once more before falling silent, the tension between us palpable.

Levi's unexpected apology lingers in the air between us, leaving me feeling strangely off balance. As he inquires about my injuries, I feel a mix of relief and curiosity. "Fully healed now," I respond, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips.

His sudden shift in demeanour catches me off guard, and I furrow my brows, studying him closely. What game is he playing now?

Deciding to tread cautiously, I continue the conversation, testing the waters.

"Are you planning on drinking tonight?" I ask, trying to inject some levity into the tense atmosphere.

Levi lifts his glass in response, a small smirk gracing his lips.

"Oh, right. I didn't see that," I admit with a laugh, relieved by the brief moment of humor.

His drink, a short glass half-filled with amber liquid, contrasts with my own shot glass. He takes a long swig before turning the conversation back to me. "How are you finding Paradis?" he asks, his gaze piercing.

I meet his stare head-on, momentarily thrown off by the sincerity in his question. If he hadn't apologised earlier, I might have responded with biting sarcasm. Instead, I offer a genuine smile.

"It's okay, different, but I'm glad for Hange," I reply, hoping to keep the conversation light.

Levi's nod feels almost like a begrudging acknowledgment, and for a brief moment, I sense a flicker of understanding between us.

It seems as if Levi was about to speak, but Zeke interrupts, joining our table. He greets me with a warm hello, embracing me tightly, and offers a curt nod to Levi, who returns the gesture.

born to die - levi ackerman x titan shifter (OC)Where stories live. Discover now