15: It's because of him, isn't it?

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As the sun dipped low in the afternoon sky, casting long shadows across the cobbled pathways of the base, I found myself striding purposefully towards Levi's office. It was a Wednesday, halfway through the workweek, and the weight of impending deadlines bore down on my shoulders.

Approaching Levi's office, I paused for a moment to compose myself before knocking gently on the door. "Come in," his voice called out from inside, its sharpness cutting through the air.

Pushing open the door, I stepped into the room, the familiar scent of books and leather enveloping me. Levi was seated behind his desk, surrounded by stacks of papers and scrolls, his expression focused and unreadable as usual.

"Hey," I greeted him, offering a small smile. "I brought you some tea." I held out the steaming cup towards him, hoping to alleviate some of the tension that seemed to constantly surround him.

Levi glanced up from his work, his eyes flickering with surprise at the unexpected gesture. "Thanks," he muttered, accepting the tea with a nod of appreciation.

I took a seat across from him, setting my own stack of paperwork on the desk. "I was hoping I could pick your brain about some of these reports," I explained, gesturing to the documents in front of me. "I'm stuck on a few sections, and I thought you might be able to help."

Levi's brows furrowed slightly as he glanced over the papers, his gaze focused and analytical. "What do you need help with?" he asked, his tone brusque but not unkind.

I took a deep breath, grateful for his willingness to assist. "I'm unsure about a few sections," I admitted, handing him the papers in question.

Levi accepted them without a word, his eyes scanning the text with a critical gaze. After a moment, he began to jot down notes and corrections, his movements swift and precise.

"You can't just write it all for me," I teased, leaning back in my chair as I watched him work.

He glanced up at me, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "It's all horrible, so I kinda have to," he replied matter-of-factly, his pen still moving across the paper.

I chuckled at his blunt honesty. "Typical Levi," I remarked, shaking my head fondly as I admired his dedication to perfection.

As Levi continued to make adjustments to the paperwork, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. With his guidance, the daunting task ahead seemed much more manageable, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a glimmer of hope that I might actually get through it all.

Together, we worked in companionable silence, the only sounds filling the room the scratch of Levi's pen against the paper and the occasional rustle of documents. Despite the tension that often lingered between us, there was a newfound sense of camaraderie in our collaboration, a shared determination to overcome whatever obstacles lay in our path.

By the time we finished, the sun had long since set, casting the room in a soft, golden glow. I stretched my stiff muscles, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me as I surveyed the now neatly organised pile of paperwork before us.

"Thanks, Levi," I said sincerely, offering him a grateful smile. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Levi nodded in response, a faint hint of satisfaction tugging at the corners of his lips. "Anytime," he replied gruffly, his tone softened by a rare warmth that sent a flutter of warmth through my chest.

As I gathered up the papers and prepared to leave, I sensed Levi's gaze lingering on me, his expression unreadable.

"What are you doing tonight?" he asked abruptly, his tone cutting through the silence.

born to die - levi ackerman x titan shifter (OC)Where stories live. Discover now