17: the mission P1

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The morning of the mission arrived with a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. I stood in my room, carefully selecting my attire for the journey ahead. Opting for practicality, I chose black pants, best suited for the use of ODM gear, paired with a crisp white button shirt. Over my shoulders, I draped the famous green cape, a symbol of our allegiance to the Scout Regiment.

With instructions to pack light for the two-night stay, I gathered only the necessities: my journal, a change of uniform, and a few essential items. As the clock struck 8 am, I made my way to the stables where Levi and the other scouts were gathering, ready to embark on our mission.

Levi's brief greeting in the morning carried with it a sense of focus and determination. As he approached me, he wasted no time delving into the details of our formation for the journey ahead.

"You will ride at the front next to me," he began, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Then the scouts will follow behind in pairs of two."

Curiosity tugged at me, prompting me to inquire about potential obstacles along our route. "Are we expected to run into any trouble on the way?" I asked, my gaze meeting Levi's steady gaze.

A soft chuckle escaped Levi's lips as he shook his head. "By trouble, do you mean titans?" he queried. My nod elicited a knowing smile from him. "Where we are headed is thankfully away from the paths of titans, but we should be prepared in case," he explained, his tone tinged with a hint of caution.

With that, Levi mounted his horse, and I followed suit, casting a glance back at the scouts as they fell into formation. With our preparations complete, we set out from the safety of the walls, embarking on our journey toward the village south of the walls.

As we rode along the path, the rhythmic sound of hooves against the ground providing a steady backdrop, Levi broke the silence with a question that I had been dreading.

"How are things with Zeke?" he inquired, his tone neutral but probing. I couldn't help but emit a frustrated groan in response. "Let me guess, Hange told you," I sighed, anticipating his source of information.

Levi nodded in confirmation, his gaze fixed ahead as he listened to my response. "I want nothing to do with Zeke," I stated firmly, hoping to put an end to the conversation before it delved any deeper.

But Levi persisted, his curiosity evident in his next question. "What is this all even about?" he pressed, prompting me to decide whether to divulge the truth or craft a more palatable explanation.

After a moment of deliberation, I opted for the latter, not wanting to burden Levi with the complexities of my relationship with Zeke. "Zeke has an alcohol problem," I explained, choosing my words carefully. "He paid me a visit the other night in my office, and things got out of hand." It wasn't entirely false, but it painted a simpler picture than the tangled reality of our interactions.

Levi's response was a simple "interesting," but I could detect a hint of annoyance in his expression. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, finding some amusement in his discomfort.

"I've met Ruth," I continued, shifting the conversation away from the topic of Zeke. "I never knew that Captain Levi had a soft spot in his heart."

Levi's features softened slightly, and I noticed a flicker of emotion in his eyes. "Ruth and I go way back," he admitted quietly, his tone tinged with nostalgia. "She was like a mother to me after... after Erwin passed."

My breath caught in my throat as Levi's revelation sank in. Erwin Smith, the legendary commander who had led humanity's fight against the Titans, had been Ruth's son, and I now understood why Levi had sought solace in the company of the gentle bookseller.

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