28: Have a good trip!

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The sun had barely risen when Levi and I made our way to the training grounds. The crisp morning air was filled with the sounds of early birds and the distant chatter of scouts preparing for another grueling day. As we stepped onto the field, the sense of urgency was palpable—everyone knew the mission was now a month away, and every moment of preparation counted.

Levi gathered the scouts who would partake in the mission under his command. His voice was firm and clear as he addressed them, detailing the importance of their training and the need for absolute focus. Every scout hung on his words, the weight of their responsibilities heavy on their shoulders.

I stood beside Hange, listening to Levi's speech. Hange leaned over and whispered, "Can we talk privately, Luna?"

I nodded, a sense of foreboding settling in my stomach. We stepped away from the group, finding a secluded spot where we could speak without being overheard.

Hange turned to me, their expression serious. "Are you still up for leading your squad alongside Zeke?"

I felt a pang of guilt. "Yes, I'm up for it. But I feel bad that I can't tell Levi about this. He would be against it."

Hange nodded, understanding in their eyes. "I know. Levi's protective nature is one of his best qualities, but in this case, it could complicate things. We need you for this mission, Luna. Your knowledge and abilities are crucial."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I understand. I'll do what needs to be done. I just hate keeping this from him."

"It's not ideal," Hange admitted. "But we have to prioritize the mission. We can't afford to let emotions get in the way."

I nodded, my resolve strengthening. "I know. I'll be ready."

Hange smiled, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Good. We'll get through this, Luna. Just stay focused."

As we walked back to the group, I couldn't help but glance over at Levi. He was in his element, commanding the scouts with precision and authority. I knew he would do everything in his power to protect us, but this mission required a level of secrecy that went against everything he stood for.

Levi caught my eye and gave me a small nod of encouragement. I returned the gesture, feeling a mix of determination and apprehension. The next month would be challenging, but I was ready to face it head-on.

"Luna, let's do some one-on-one training," they said, gesturing for me to follow them to a more secluded area of the training grounds.

I nodded, knowing that this was crucial preparation. We walked a short distance away, finding a spot where we could focus without distractions. Hange turned to me, their eyes sharp with focus. "Levi is going to handle the larger group. For now, I want you to concentrate on your ODM gear. This mission requires stealth and precision—there should be no need for you to shift into your Titan form."

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself. "Understood, Hange. Let's get started."

Hange nodded, beginning the training session by reviewing the basics of using the ODM gear. "Remember, Luna, agility and silence are your greatest assets here. You need to move quickly and quietly, avoiding detection at all costs."

I strapped on my gear, feeling the familiar weight settle around my waist and shoulders. Hange watched me closely as I adjusted the straps and checked the gas canisters. "Your gear is in good shape. Let's see how you handle some obstacles."

We spent the next hour navigating a series of increasingly complex courses. Hange set up various scenarios, simulating the types of environments I might encounter on the mission. I darted between buildings, swung from rooftops, and practiced landing silently on narrow ledges.

born to die - levi ackerman x titan shifter (OC)Where stories live. Discover now