18: the mission P2

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Levi's POV

I gestured towards the ensuite bathroom, my voice steady as I offered, "You can use the bathroom first." My words held the usual practicality that defined my mannerisms.

Luna rose to make use of the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice how the dampness of her shirt had rendered it slightly translucent, offering a glimpse of the contours of her body beneath. Despite my best efforts, my gaze lingered for a moment longer than intended, my thoughts momentarily drifting before I forcibly redirected them.

As Luna closed the door behind her, I found myself grappling with a surge of frustration. Sharing this room for the night was an unwelcome complication. I reminded myself sternly of the necessity of maintaining my emotional barriers, even in Luna's presence. No matter the distractions, I couldn't afford to let anyone get too close, not even Luna, tempting as the thought might be.

she lingers in my thoughts, an ever-present presence that I couldn't shake. Images of her body beneath mine, the curve of her lips, and the intensity of her gaze flooded my mind, stirring emotions I had never experienced before. It was a strange sensation, one that both intrigued and unsettled me.

After the evenings events, i decided to retire to the room. I entered the room with a singular focus, intent on changing out of my uniform and escaping into the solace of a good book.

The soft sound of the door shutting drew my attention, and I turned to find Luna standing in the doorway, a bottle of wine in her hands. Her appearance caught me off guard, momentarily stealing my words.

"It's for us," Luna's voice broke the silence, her words hanging in the air. I couldn't help but notice the determination in her gaze as she met my eyes.

I glanced at the bottle of wine she offered, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Wine, huh?" I remarked, my tone laced with amusement.

Luna's gesture intrigued me, stirring a curiosity I couldn't ignore. As she placed the bottle on the bedside table, I found myself drawn to her presence. Settling onto the edge of the bed, I reached for the bottle, silently acknowledging her unspoken invitation.

Raising our glasses in a silent toast, Luna and I took sips of the wine, the rich flavour washing over our senses as we savoured the moment. Luna's eyes met mine, her gaze holding a hint of something I couldn't quite decipher.

As Luna settled onto the bed, her posture tense, I couldn't help but notice the way her fingers gripped the stem of her glass, a subtle sign of unease. My own thoughts were consumed by Hange's mention of the altercation with Zeke, a troubling incident that Luna seemed reluctant to discuss.

My tone was serious as I broached the topic, my eyes fixed on Luna with a penetrating gaze.

"Hange mentioned something about Zeke causing a scene in your office the other day," I began, my voice quiet but insistent.

"Care to enlighten me on what happened?"

Internally, I braced myself for Luna's response, a part of me already anticipating her evasion. Despite her attempt to downplay the situation, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than she was letting on.

Luna shifted uncomfortably under my scrutiny, her gaze flickering away for a brief moment before returning to meet mine. "It's nothing, really," she replied evasively, her words failing to convince either of us.

Despite Luna's attempt to brush off the incident, I remained unconvinced. There was a tension in the air, a palpable unease that lingered between us

born to die - levi ackerman x titan shifter (OC)Where stories live. Discover now