🌸☆~'||'~Volume 1~'||'~☆🌸

554 17 31

🌸~'||'~Chapter 1~'||'~🌸
"The new girl"
This chapter contains...
Slight bullying
Mental health issues
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Shinobu's pov~'||'~🌸


Picture this, a girl was bored into a family where her older sister is one of the most descriptive person of the perfect girl. Straight A's, appearance, voice, personality, she is practically perfect. Versus her younger sister, she is rude, selfish, straight B's and C's, decent voice and appearance. However her older sister finally left school, now graduating highschool and heading off to college in a different state, her parents loved her older sister, not so much of her, unless she is clearly blinded by the love she is given. She is determined to find a way to be like her sister, and live a normal life where no one can judge her, and not be in the shadow of her older sister..

Well, that's my story..

Shinobu Kocho, year 3. Ever since my sister left for college just last year, I tried to change myself, to be the perfect daughter and student everyone should have seen me from the very day I was born. I changed the way I spoke a little the way I dressed, act, and how I looked. I tried to grow out my hair a little but ended up not liking it. I tried to be like my older sister, Kanae. She was perfect, and she always loved me for who I was, but does not mean I loved myself.

Besides that, I tried to fit in with others, I joined the classes she took, avoided parties to study, avoided spending time with others to study. Even so, I became more well known instantly, everyone only knew me for being Kanae's little sister, and when they needed me, they really only needed Kanae. Now that she is gone, everyone runs to me. Even if I was gone from the shadow of someone who I envied and loved, what was I supposed to do next. My best class was science, I wanted to study that, but Kanae studies anything related to reading the most. If she is studying that, I should study that as well, because women should be not doing a man's job, atleast that is what my father told me.

After all, Kanae was known for being a future housewife, an actual women from everybody, which was why so many men liked her so much, so they can be seen as the tough one in the relationship. But I'm not interested in dating, in any case if I do, I should.be able to end up with a man, and do whatever society wants me to do. However, Women fought for our rights more in the future, so now I am able to be more independent, if I am, I will be able to be the tough one myself.

Even so, that does not stop me from the conflict, I face today..


I walked into the room and suddenly I see a girl standing there, talking to the teacher and a staff member standing right next to her. I was confused, I don't think I have ever seen her before. I usually arrive pretty early, because Kanae got up very early to get ready, while I always used to sleep in on some days. "Oh Ms Kocho! This is Ms Kanroji, or just Mitsuri! She is gonna be your new classmate in your homeroom!" I stared at the girl and she stared at me back, she was no doubt, one of the prettiest girl's I seen.

Her hair being an odd color, a beautiful shade of pink, fading into green, her eyes matching the colors of the ends. Her uniform perfect fit, not even a single mistake on her clothing her face, no makeup was really found, she was an natural beauty. Her body apparently to the students now arriving, was pretty curvy for those out age, her smile was sweet and innocent. Her appearance, is perfect, to perfect actually. I could feel myself feeling a sigh of envy towards her, but she smiled seems to cover it up for it. I felt a little warm, but I kinda just ignored it, my heart was always cold, I feel emotion but it's not always the brightest, my sister was a heart always warm, she tried to heat mine up, but it never worked. I always stayed how I was, I can never get rid of the hatred I held for others whenever they hurt me or I envied them

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