🌸☆~'||'~Volume 8~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 8~'||'~🌸
"Iguro Obanai"
This chapter contains...
Eating disorder
Mental health issues
Small toxic relationship
Toxic friendship red flags
Toxic household
Suicide mentions
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Mitsuri's pov~'||'~🌸


I was so scared and confused when I heard the news. The usual perfect Shinobu, was actually showing her flawed and broke character, as I heard she got into a fight and she managed to punch Giyu. Her smile never appeared I heard. Was something going on that I did not know? Why won't she tell me? Have we not talked enough? Have we not hung out enough? Have we not known each other long enough? Was I not that important to talk to? These train of thoughts made me question my existence a little...

"Are you alright Mitsuri? Should we go after Shinobu now or-"

"No... I'm sure she doesn't want to tell me anything right now...besides I heard she went off with Sabito for a short while...hey! Let's just go visit Kyojuro in the baking room! I heard he has something good!"

"Hmm alright.."


During these last few months of attending here, I met a boy named Kyojuro, let's just say he is like my best friend, and like a brother. He is very loud and outgoing, he is confident and is not to afraid to say something that should or shouldn't be said. I grew attached to him, but never romantically. Besides, I heard that he was dating a man named Tengen, and I was surprised when I heard rumors that he had like 3 girlfriends last year. Wonder how that ended...

"Mitsuri! Would you like to help me decorate the cake?" I nodded and ran over as Obanai sat in the corner, looking through his phone, it looked urgent. He never told me anything before about his family, it's like it's kept a secret. Everytime I try to go over to his place, he tells me it's better off if I never knew it existed. As we were decorating the cake, Kyojuro had to leave the room early for something, so we were gonna be alone for a while.

"Hey Obanai...? May I ask you something please..?"

"Yeah..sure anything."

"Is there a certain reason why you don't wanna talk about your family? Or is there a certain time where I get to know-"

"You should never know.. it's for your own safety.."

"But! I feel like there is something going on that I don't know! Like why you wear the mask, I understand your insecure, I mean we talked about this before when I told you about...my eating habits...but I just think there js going on and I'm scsred for you -"

"If you really want to know...then meet me afterschool at the pickup area.." he sounded serious, and almost like a warning. There was a chance I could be protected by him, but only by his words, but once I discover the truth, it's over. "Alright I will!" He seems surprised, but I think he knew no matter what, I was gonna find out eventually. This made me think of Shinobu, no matter what, I was gonna find out the story behind her smile someday. I looked out the window, Shinobu was talking to Sabito, and walking through the School's gardens where some hang out during lunch.

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