🌸☆~'||'~Volume 2~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 2~'||'~🌸
"Is there perfection?"
This chapter contains...
Eating disorder
Mental health issues
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Mitsuri's pov~'||'~🌸



veryone so far always tells me, what did you do to get this far? To get what you have? To have a nice body? Hair? Eyes? Face? Personally? And more and more. But I question myself the same thing. I remember I had gain a little weight during elementary, it's not like my parents acted though, because they thought I was cute, so I somewhat thought the same thing about hen, I thought it didn't matter how much I weigh. But in the real world it does matter how much you weigh, your height, looks, everything for physical appearances. A lot of the girl's constantly made fun of me, and always tried to get me to join races just to see me struggle.

Luckily, I was born with some strength, so whenever they did Kay their hands on me, I was able to fight back. However, I also had to hide my strength, because a girl with strength is not even considered a girl anymore. Even when women fought and won for our rights to do whatever, to have equal rights as men, I feel like not everyone see's that still. Why did they fought, because society still see's us as the submissive type. It was not fair at all, now we can be independent and go to whatever. I just feel like I still have to follow the definition of a women deep inside.

That day after I left elementary and returned for 6th, I changed a lot. I tried starving myself to lose the weight, not like that always helps. I never cared for healthy food all that much, I was always into sweets. It's not like the more considered healthier food was terrible, because the more you eat it, the less of a sweet tooth I worked out just a little to help myself lose weight faster. I did whatever I could to be more perfect. Now everyone see's me as "Little miss perfect" I tried my hardest to get here today, and yet everyone see's it like I was born this way. Yet, they don't know what I had to go through, the amount of rejections I received, the hate and shame I gone through.

To them, the work was all inside me, the outside, they don't see it. When I moved school's, it's like everyone at my old school was scared of me leaving them, because they wanted to do so much more to me. But I left because I moved, I was grateful, it felt like everyone only wanted me for how I look. Men wanted to be my husband, women wanted to be my friend. It's difficult to tell who was and who wasn't fake. But they saw me who I was supposed to be, who I was meant to be, a girl who is perfect, a girl who society wants to grow up and marry someone, someone who is stronger than them, taller, and can protect their weak wife.

However, that changed when I first met that girl, Kocho, but her name is actually Shinobu. She was indeed beautiful, I wonder what's her story, did she always grow up with a pretty face? Or was she like me? She smiled like an angel, her voice was even angelic. Compare to me, she was beautiful, and everyone seems to love her, maybe this is a chance to change. To blend in more and not stand out. A couple of weeks go by, and I'm out in the open once again, standing out in the spotlight which I wish someone would turn off.

Girls asked for beauty tips, begging to know my secret, boys began asking me out, begging to be my boyfriend. Who was fake and who was not, did that Shinobu girl went through this. She blends in now, she is not a popular topic like when I first got here. However she is in my homeroom class, and she sits in that one corner of the room, looking as pretty as a picture, yet noone goes over to say- "Good morning Kanroji, how are you on this lovely morning?" She never really spoken to me before, and yet when she says my name, it makes my heart beat.

But why? I'm a girl, I can't love another girl, because society hates it, I come this far, should I risk it all for a girl I don't even know what's under the pretty face?

"I'm good! Thanks for asking Kocho! But please call me Mitsuri next time, I'm conformable with it!"

"Then call me Shinobu.."

Suddenly the bell rang and I sat in my assigned seat and suddenly I heard someone trip beside me, and I turned to see another guy tripping another student. His name was Iguro, he sits behind me, and he seems really shy, is that why he is always getting picked on. "Hey Kanroji, I was wondering if I could take you out someday?" After what he did to Iguro, leaving to struggle to pick up his stuff that fell out of his bag. "Um no...I can't, um, Iguro, are you alright?" Now that I notice, his eyes are insanely beautiful, one being yellow and the other more like an aqua, he is beautiful.

He wore a mask, because I heard he is just insecure about his face, not like anything bad happened to him, he was just bullied and forever to hide under it. I wanted to know his and Shinobu's story, because behind their beautiful eyes of their, there is a story just like mine, that I had yet to discover. "I-Im fine.. thanks?" He blushed as I held his hand to lift him up, he was shorter than me, around the same height as Shinobu, making them both adorable. For some reason, I wanted to find someone who is shorter than me, even if I was supposed to find someone who is the opposite of me, I didn't care.

The question is, I always thought Shinobu was the most beautiful girl I ever seen which she is, but do I like her? I don't know her story. Iguro, he's cute, and shy, he is also moody, I didn't that attractive, but do I like him? I don't know anything else about him?

My question was, who am I gonna talk in love with? Once I get to know them?
Would I even fall in love with any of them?

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 1138

Hopefully besides the story behind Shinobu and Mitsuri, the real story should begin next chapter-

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