🌸☆~'||'~Volume 6~'||'~☆🌸

179 7 6

🌸~'||'~Chapter 6~'||'~🌸
"Deep feelings for both of you"
This chapter contains...
Mental health issues
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Mitsuri's pov~'||'~🌸


I felt embarrassed that I assumed Giyu was dating his own sister, how did I not noticed that the two almost looked identical?! I'm so stupid! I may get like decent grades, but I know they would never compare to Shinobu's grades. They didn't seem to mind it though, it's as if they sometimes they get told the same thing. But how could I mistake a brother and sister dating?! It's gross! I began talking to Giyu's sister though, she was very kind and beautiful, just like Shinobu and she seems to know Shinobu's family pretty well, like her older sister. We all sat down and Shinobu and Giyu seemed to be chatting about something else, but it gave me time to know about someone knew.

"So you know Shinobu's older sister? What was she like?"

"Hmm..Kanae was very kind and gentle, she was soft and delicate, she always put others before herself, but she had time to take care of herself as well. She was always willing to help others, and she always loved talking to others. I loved taking to her! She was also very smart. I was upset when I got the news she was moving out to go to a college far away..."

"She sound amazing! I wish I met her!"

"I heard Shinobu is just like her sister...a little to alike. Kanae always told me before she left that Shinobu was always a little grumpy and way to honest! But she still has a soft side for the people she cares about."

"But Shinobu is never grumpy! That's strange..is there anything else you might know about that.."

"You seemed to be taking a liking to Shinobu..do you perhaps?"

"Oh no! We just started hanging out this week! Well maybe? I don't know! There is this other boy and he is kinda my type so I can't tell-!"

"So you like two people huh? Well maybe you can try-"

"Mitsuri... let's go.." I heard Shinobu say, fitting Tsutako off. "Oh! Alright! It's nice meeting you!" Tsutako smiled at me and her brother seems upset as well even Shinobu. Did something happen between them? I wonder what they were talking about anyways, because it seems to drop the moods of the both of them. "Hey Shinobu...are you alright?" I asked and she turned around, even her smile disappeared, that was until she smiled softly at me, but it also looked weak.

"It was just...Giyu said something that stunned me, I don't wanna see his face for a good while.."


"But! Hey! Let's forget that ever happened! Let's head back to my place, and we can hang out over there some more!"

I smiled and nodded, even if it was not exactly real, because I knew something was wrong with Shinobu, she just ain't telling me. It's not sidner she won't rel em though, maybe she just doesn't trust me, I don't blame her, I'm loud, I accidentally say things I don't want to,even secrets fall out. Shinobu can't trust me, and yet I also don't know her to well, I did just hardly came here and we just began hanging out together, so there is also that as well.

Not matter what, I wanna help, I also wanna help Iguro, because there is something about him that doesn't sit right with me...the truth is, I can tell there is something about him that draws me in, but it isn't a good sign. It's like he's a red flag, he wants to be around me but he would avoid hanging out in a way as well. He is willing to talk and stay by me, but it's also like he wants me to stay away, not to get to close or else something might happen that he can't protect me from.

Shinobu is kind, but there is something that is keeping her from opening her true self. Obanai is cold and distant, but he is also soft, at the same time, he can't protect me from where his picture forms.

There is something about them, that wants me to get close, but if I find out the truth, am I willing to still be around them?

Am I able to hold feelings for them without hurting myself? Slowly discovering the truth? Which one will hurt most?

I wonder, when I fall in love...who would I fall in love with...?

Sorry that this chapter is short, I'll try to make the next one longer-

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 803

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