🌸☆~'||'~Volume 14~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 14~'||'~🌸
"I'm ready to accept myself.."
This chapter contains...
Eating disorder
Mental health issues
Terrible addiction
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Mitsuri's pov~'||'~🌸


I couldn't get it out of my head, it was like a song on repeat, but instead it was a memory. Shinobu actually kissed me! She kissed me! I have no idea what to think, I was happy but at the same time no. Because the look on Shinobu's face afterwards, felt like she didn't mean it. I tried to ignore the idea and just forcus that my crush kissed me! I opened the door and made pizza for my younger brother, to make sure he is fed at least, while also feeding my cat. I was thinking about nti eating again, but I thought about the interaction between Shinobu and I yesterday, and decided to begin eating.

Maybe I didn't have to gonna bout what others said, maybe I can learn how to be a little more of myself. I'm a girl who was born with a stronger body, a girl who loves to eat a lot, a girl who acts smart during grades but is incredibly dumb. Shinobu is a girl who seems like but has a hidden side and playfully insults you, either means it or no, she is intelligent, and she loves science. I wonder if I can soon learn more about that side soon. I wonder if one day there was a world, where everyone acted how they were meant to be from birth, to use their gifts and not hide anything they hated about themselves, and learn to express it.

But I live In a world where that is difficult to express those gifts, I hope soon that can change in my generation. But this is the real world, that ain't gonna happen while I'm still breathing. I finished cleaning the kitchen and texted Shinobu, she didn't seem like she wanted to talk still, but I did. I wanted to talk to her at least during the week and, I don't wanna wait until Monday, I understand if she is busy and all that but I wanna talk to her and see if she likes me back. I wanna confess my love to her.

I lay down on my bed, looking at my ceiling and around my room, photos hanged up of memories from the past few months, Shinobu being in every single one of them. I thought about the conversation between Obanai and I, and I was beginning to think he was correct...


"Obanai...does Shinobu hate me or something?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Well lately she been distancing herself and actingg strange and I don't know, it seems like she doesn't know how to control herself and-"

"She's being herself..."


"I talked to Sabito recently and he talked to Giyu since well I hate him. Giyu said when he met Shinobu, she was always rude, not like in a bully way before their incident hit, but she was rude mostly always angry, she was kind and protective over the ones she loved."


"If anything, she is starting to adjust and she is ready to be who she wants to be around her. The Shinobu we always hung out with was just the image of Kanae, we never actually met her actual self.."

"But maybe..that is-"

"That's Kanae, Kanae is the sweet girl we always talked to, Shinobu is the girl your learning to meet..."


I never met Shinobu, I never knew her, I never even knew her name existed before. I met a girl named Kanae, a soft and gentle soul, a girl I made memories with. I'm learning to get to know Shinobu, and yet they never even met a girl named Mitsuri. They met a girl, a girl considered "Little Ms Perfect" a girl who had to act like she was better than what she actually was. I looked in the mirror multiple times, I lost weight, to much weight. But even if my body was thin, my strength was beginning to fade, though it was sas till there.

I am beginning to bring that strength back, just enough to turn back time, and make a change, to meet someone new and to meet someone knew who I can be every single day, someone who I can look in the mirror and see my reflection. I got a text from Shinobu suddenly after a while..

Shinobu ☺️🦋

Hey, I wanna talk to you this Sunday, you free?

Oh It thought you were busy!

Yeah I can make it!

Good, see you then

Alright goodnight!


To meet me soon, sooner than Monday! I wonder if she was gonna confess everything that has been going on, maybe she is thinking the same thing as me! Maybe this could be my chance to confess my love to her! To tell her I feel about her! To tell her everything I have ever felt about her! A chance to get the real Shinobu! I took a quick shower and jumped onto my bed, cuddling with my cat. She smelled like Shinobu, but not long ago, she cuddled with my cat and left her scent on her.

She smelled just like lavender, a nice gentle smell and I loved it. My eyes became heavy and I began to wonder if everything was gonna turn out to how I wanted it to be. I wonder if I was soon able gonna understand everything. But still, this Shinobu girl, I was ready to finally meet her, because I had been dying to meet her. Almost killing myself by starving on multiple occasions, but still carried on with the strength I had to meet her, to be there for her and everyone I met.

Closing my eyes, I knew by tomorrow, I was gonna be someone different, and I was gonna be so someone I can relate to when I look into the mirror...

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 1025

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