🌸☆~'||'~Volume 4~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 4~'||'~🌸
"Shinobu vs Obanai"
This chapter contains...
Eating disorder hints
Mental health issues
Yandere vibes
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Shinobu's pov~'||'~🌸


"Welcome to my room, make yourself comfortable, um so you guys want any tea" short backstory, I wanted Mitsuri and I to hang out alone together because I wanted to get to know how this perfect girl actually acts when she is comfortable with someone, two, I seem to be enjoying her company. It's been a while since I've gotten attention ever since she arrived, even if it's from the girl I currently envy, it was enough for me. I'm not sure why she had to invite Obanai as well though, it kinda makes me a little jealous. I was hoping I would find out alone, I know he has a crush on her. It's plain obvious, I wonder if he truly loves her..

"Yes, thank you" I replied and Obanai shook his head, "No thank you.." he is probably insecure about what he looks like underneath that mask, what a shame though, it makes since because he is probably as stupid underneath there as he is on the eyes, he may be kinda cute and has a beautiful pair of eyes, but they won't fool me in any kind of way. "Alright, I'll be back, feel free to turn on the TV alright?" We nodded and that's when she ran out and closed the door, leaving the two of us alone.

The worst thing you could do with two new friends who are not yet comfortable with each other, is to leave them alone for a sec-

"Let's cut to the chase, Shinobu"

Yeah, he hates me..


"Why do you bother hanging out with Mitsuri if your clearly jelaous of her" I felt myself jump back, was to that obvious that I somehow hate her in a way? But how? I'm usually good at hiding my emotions, I played an act for so long, even with this act I was still able to hide my jealousy from others.

"Oh? Jealous? I'm not sure what your talking about! I care for Mitsuri, though we don't know each other that well, I'm not sure what your talking about.."

"Quit the act, it's getting old. The way you stare at her, it's not with admiration, it's jealousy.."

"How would you know? Aren't you blind in one eye?"

"Shut the fuck up, Kocho. No matter what you do, you're never gonna be like your sister. She may be perfect in your eyes, but perfection does not exist. I know there is something not perfect about Mitsuri, not everyone can be born in the way she was, so don't be jealous of others because you think they have a better life than you. Noone does, I'll say my life is like hell, before she walked in atleast..."

"I'm not trying to be like my sister...and of course you'll say that, because almost noone likes you!"

"I can see why they prefer the older sister better.."

"I can see why the snakes are predicted as unlovable...after all..your the devil's pet..."

Obanai snapped and got up in a quick movement, like in a blink of an eye or something, he quickly kicked me in the face and pin my down with his leg on my chest. I struggled to breathe, was he trying to kill me?! How long does it take me make tea!?

"What the fuck-"

"I saw something on your face..and that's a bitch.."

"F-f-fuck you...*cough*" I could hardly breathe, he's stepping on my lungs.

"I could watch you die right here... let's face it Shinobu, one day everyone will know about your little secret, they will know you only try to care for other's because you want to be like your sister. Do you even care for them? I may be unlovable for being the devil's pet, but just know I'm always stronger than you...after all, Snakes love to you with butterflies and kill them.."

"Hmm? Just be careful which butterfly you eat..because they may be toxic with poison..."

"I'm back! I brought the-"

Obanai quickly took his leg off of me before Mitsuri could even turn around when she opened the door. She stood there shocked, was she able to see what Obanai- "Shinobu!! Your bleeding! How can this happen?!" I felt blood dripping onto my clothes and I placed my hand on my nose and saw the blood now stained onto my hand. It must have been when Obanai kicked me, it was in the face. "I'm not sure, but I hear it's sometimes normal to bleed from the nose, just when your not hydrated enough I heard, or something else.."

That fucking snake...

"Mitsuri, that's not true...you see.."

She waited for my answer, but I could see from the corner of my eye, Obanai still glaring at me, would he hurt me if I say anything? Don't I deserve it for calling him the devil's pet? I say a lot of things I don't even mean to say..

"Because... I'm not sure if that's the case, because I get plenty of water each day, I guess this just happened out randomly, sorry to troubling you..."

"Oh, it's alright! I'll go get some tissues from the bathroom!" She ran out once again, and Obanai's sighed, "unless you wanna be 6ft under the ground, I suggest you keep your mouth shut.." I gakred at him which seemed to surprise him a little as I never once broke my aft for anyone, at the moment, I was angry I was angry for lying to Misturi, and the fact I was lying because I was afraid that some shortie was gonna hurt me...

Oh wait I'm shorter than him-

"I'm back! Alright, hopefully this helps, let's not get blood on the carpet, or in the tea please..." I nodded and wiped the blood off the best I could until it stopped bleeding, which was like almost 10 minutes later, how hard did he kick me? Mitsuri decided to invite us downstairs to make cupcakes, I never knew she was a bit of a baker, it was kinda cute. However I noticed when she bit into the cupcake, it looked like she was desperate, cupcakes are delicious and all, but it's like she needed it more than anything else. Was something wrong with her appetite or something? Is it like this with anything else?

Was Mitsuri starving herself..?

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 1113

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