🌸☆~'||'~Volume 5~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 5~'||'~🌸
"Alone with you"
This chapter contains...
Eating disorder hints
Mental health issues
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Shinobu's pov~'||'~🌸


Was Mitsuri really starving herself? This just had to be a thought. She was gifted a nice body, so there is no need to ruin it. But not everyone is born that perfect, she must have a flaw and her body could be just that. I couldn't get the thought out of my head, it was stuck in there. Obanai had to leave early, as his parents called him, leaving me and Mitsuri alone. I know there is something going on in Obanai's house to make him turn out that way, I just didn't know what to think of it. I heard Mitsuri has loving parents, so there should be nothing going on in here.


Was there really a need to starve yourself everyday though?

"Um Shinobu?"

That girl is pretty enough, if she is too skinny, almost noone might not want her anymore..


At the same time, she still might have a pretty face, but sometimes the body can go up to the face right?


I finally snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name being yelled out and the feeling of Mitsuri shaking me. "W-what? Is something wrong!?" I yelled, actually concerned that there is something wrong. Maybe she might tell me what Is going on-

"You zoned out and I was trying to call your name! Is everything alright?"

"Um...yeah it is! Sorry about that, I really didn't mean to. Um, what were you saying?"

"You said you wanted to hang out sometime, did you wanna go somewhere now? I have some things planned out! That I think you might enjoy!"

"Oh! Sure"

My sister has multiple friends who are girls, she can't stop talking about how girls days and sleepovers are amazing and enjoyable. I had friends before, but we never really hung out, so I get a chance to feel what she felt and have a friend who can bring me that same joy. Now that I think about it, me and Mitsuri's style is very different, I just stick with just normal pants or just usual jeans and Mitsuri would stick with dresses and skirts.

She took me shopping at the mall for a while, I never knew she was so into plushies and clothes, I only shop for things that I needed, so I bought small makeup and self-care stuff, even paying for food when Mitsuri gotten hungry. She gotten so many compliments and I didn't really get any, was there something on my face? I showered today right? I don't look stupid right? I didn't want to envy someone who saw me as a kind friend. I didn't want to envy someone that I love- as a friend!

After that, we went back to looking around the mall some more when I saw someone familiar from school. "Giyu?" I managed to say, Mitsuri tuned around and her face lit up and she waved, "Hello Giyu!!" He was with some girl, I didn't recognize, but kinda did at the same time. Her hair was braided and black, she looked similar to Giyu, but I never seen her or I never heard that Giyu had any kind of family. Obanai, me, and Sanemi sometimes joked that he lives under a bridge and works at a low paying job, no family.

"My Giyu! I never knew you finally gotten yourself a girl! I honestly thought you were gonna stay single forever"

"Awww!! You have a girlfriend now! How cu-"

"This is my sister, stupid"


"I'm Tsutako! I'm his older sister, hey your Kanae's little sister.. Shinobu right? Kanae wouldn't stop talking about you!"

"You know my sister?"

"Oh yeah, I attended highschool with her, we always hung out with each other whenever we were both free on the same day, I'm surprised I never ran into you just yet." Now that I think about it, I only recognized her because I remember Tsutako dropping her off back home atleast once. Mitsuri began talking to her, I guess she found her to be extremely beautiful and wanted to get to know her more. Meanwhile, me and Giyu were both in awkward silence.

"So you had a sister, how come you never told anyone? Is it because you have no friends?"

"I never had to need to tell you because I never liked you.."

"Oh? How rude!"

"Quit acting like you aren't rude to everyone. You may be nice to that sunshine, loud girl, but that doesn't change the fact your still pretending.."

"I'm not faking it though! I think your just being rude because you never gotten my respect...but it's not like you ever deserved it, if your always gonna be that gloomy to me!"

"How so? Is it because I'm not like your sister? Is that who your only kind to?"

I froze for a moment, why? I never heard Giyu talk back to me before, always not for this long. I didn't understand why, I mean sure I could be rude to him, once in a while. But those last couple of words he spoke, was it really true? Was I only kind to the people who remind me of my sister, would I really only be kind to Tsutako because she was friends with my sister? Am I only friends with Mitsuri from that similar reasons as well? I'm rude to Giyu and Obanai, and they act like nothing like her.

I didn't want to admit that it was true, but I'm beginning to think that it is..

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 970

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