🌸☆~'||'~Volume 15~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 15~'||'~🌸
"I love you..."
This chapter contains...
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Mitsuri's pov~'||'~🌸


When I awaken, I immediately got up and took another shower, brushing out my hair and it was much more curly than usual, think I fogot to undo my braids lately. I suppose I'll let my hair down for today. I never really knew what was gonna happen today but I have a feeling that today was gonna be the day I confess my feelings to Shinobu! Even after all the things we went through and have been through together, I still have a feelings it happened for a reason. Maybe I had to do the things I had to do to realize I was perfect the way I was and to meet someone who'll be there for me the rest of my life.

I got dressed for the day and rushed downstairs to eat breakfast, my father noticed me rushing this morning, "you seem to be in a rush, thought you said you won't be meeting with your friend until this afternoon? It's 10" I didn't answer him at first because I was scared of what he might think when I told him I was gonna confess my love to a friend for mine, who is a girl. I was making myself some eggs and then I took a deep breath "It's a important day for me Dad..."

"What kind of important day? Hey I haven't seen you make something for yourself in a way!"

"Yeah..I am making myself food..why?"

"I was worried that my daughter was starving herself for someone.."

Did my parents really think that? Did they find out about my secret obsession? At the same time, I never stopped eating and eating when I younger, I was always hungry and was never really satisfied. However I never gain much weight, and my parents like cooking and never mind spending so much money to keep me fed. However when I got bullied when I gained a little weight, I hated myself and began starving myself, I wonder how long have they suspected this behavior from me...

"I'm alright dad, it's nothing to worry about. I do eat, you and mom are just at work when I usually do. Trust me I eat a lot when I'm at school!" I lied, I could bring myself to accept the fact of my parents finding out. I'm sure they would understand, I was just a little scared day the idea. "Alright, if you say so. Oh and about that important day, anything interesting?"

"O-Oh! It's just something private! Nothing to worry about!"

"Well, if you say so! I'ma head out!" My father and mother were always there for me, always seeing me as the daughter who is straight and loves to eat. I wonder how much would change if they found out about my secrets I couldn't let these thoughts ruin my day or mood though. Finished eating by the time the clock hit 11, and I decided to text Shinobu to see if she was awake.

Shinobu ☺️🦋

You up Shinobu?

Yeah! Something wrong?


Just wondering!


What time you wanna meet up?

Around 12? I'm not sure, I can't stay out for too long because I'm trying to spend time with Kanae

She is dropping by for a bit until she heads back or college.

Oh I see!

Yeah it's no problem, I'll meet you then!


I began waiting and waiting until this last hour passes, I knew I was excited at the moment, but I knew when that time hits 12, I eould be nervous more than anything. What if she rejects me? What is she doesn't even want to talk to me? What it I do confess and she rejects and ghosts me? Would she still wanna be friends? Or would it be awkward to even talk to me? What if she likes someone else? I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was about to give in to my own negative thoughts and say nothing but I couldn't.

I had to say something, even if she didn't like me back, I have to say something! Suddenly it finally happened the clock hit 12 and I packed up my things and headed out the door. I should be back before my mother heads out to work so I can watch over my brother. We wanted to meet at the park in the middle of the small neighborhood we both lived in. As I arrived I began waiting there and wondered if I was too early.

I mean she did say around 12, never a specific time. At the same time she could be busy and come around 1 or 2. I sat down at the bench, and looked around to see other couples having fun and other families walking around. I wonder what would have been like if I ever started my own. I wonder what would have happened if I actually went to Obanai, I knew it would have toxic with his family, but would our love have been? I've already fallen for Shinobu and that's who he also wants me to love to save my future.

I can't turn back the clocks and honestly I don't want to, because I feel like all of this led til what we are doing now. Suddenly, I heard a voice call out and turned around, seeing Shinobu there rushing, she seems to be red in the face, maybe because of the last time we saw each other, she kissed me that night. It was still relaying in my head, and the thought about it makes me wanna do it again.

"Shinobu! You wanted to talk about something?. You wanna talk about it now or do you wanna walk through the park first? Or-"

"Ummm, I wanted to talk to you about the incident that night when you walked me home. I didn't mean any of it! It was an accident and I never meant to make things awkward and I feel stupid now and I understand if ymit made you feel awkward or get the wrong ideas!"

"It's alright! I didn't mind the kiss to be completely honest with you. I kinda liked it..?"

"You did?" She blushed red, herself being short and her face being extremely was very cute. "Um Shinobuz if I'm completely honest..." I wanted to say it but the words couldn't come out, what was gonna happen? How was she gonna react?! I was scared "About..?" She was waiting. If I tell her and she regrets, I'll regret opening my mouth for years, but what if she finds someone else, would've I regret not saying anything...?

"Shinobu! I like you! I liked everything about you! I may only know the girl who acts like her older sister! But I hope one day I get the meet the real you! I'm sorry for everything I put you through as well! I want to grow up with you! I wanna be able to become more than friends! I love you Shinobu!" I yelled out! Fast and loud. My face was burning red and I felt her take a step closer, looking away slightly as her face was still red. She leaned upwards and kissed me again.

I held her small body and kissed her again and I blushed and she placed her head in my neck, pulling me into a hug, "I love you too...Mitsuri...I know you never really knew me...and I deeply regret it..but you still knew and understand...I wanna get to know you as well..." I pulled her into another kiss and I knew this could be a new chapter opening up for both of our lives..

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 1338

~'|Finale chapter coming tomorrow|'~🌸🌸🌸

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