🌸☆~'||'~Volume 3~'||'~☆🌸

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🌸~'||'~Chapter 3~'||'~🌸
"I won't be perfect around you"
This chapter contains...
Eating disorder
Mental health issues
Bad Grammer
Terrible spelling
Side Ships
Mitsuri x Shinobu

🌸~'||'~Mitsuri's pov~'||'~🌸


I was writing down notes when the bell rang for lunch, I began packing my stuff and saw Shinobu and Iguro alone. I wonder if we could all be friends, it wouldn't hurt to try right? "Iguro! Shinobu! Do you guys wanna hang out during lunch time?" I yelled, a lot of the students were surprised, they seem like they all wanted to have lunch with either me or Shinobu, yet I didn't say any of their names. Shinobu and Iguro seems surprised, but they seemed to accept the offer and we all walked to lunch together. I talked about my love for cat's, Iguro's favorite animal was a snake, and has one and Shinobu just prefers butterflies, which makes sense because of the little clip in her hair, keeping it up.

Which is strange for the both of them, because Snakes are sometimes known for eating butterflies..

During lunch, I learn the two have their own interests, like Iguro didn't mind chemistry, and it was Shinobu's favorite subject. The two are kinda different from each other, so I wonder if we were all to become friends, we would all be able to get along. So far, I have nothing in common with them, sure their animals and insects are cool, but it's not my favorite, I suck at chemistry, but I somehow still manage to pass it. "What do you like best Mitsuri?" Shinobu asked and I was surprised because I zone out.

"Hmm, I really love art, it's like an escape where you can freely express yourself, I especially love painting in an canvas! It's super fun!"

"Oh? What other things you like about it?"

"Hmm, I mean sometimes sewing can be used in art, I like doing that sometimes whenever I don't injured myself.."

"I sometimes like to sew as well, I can make you something if you ever wanted to, Kanroji.." I finally had something in common with Iguro.

"Oh, call me Mitsuri. But I wouldn't mind if you make me something! Just don't hurt yourself please!"

"I won't..do you like sewing Shinobu?"

"Hmmm, no, I know my older sister does, but I was never interested as much."

"Shinobu, what do you like best about Chemistry? It's not my bestest subject"

"I don't know exactly, I just love the concept on curing a sickness, or just using it on students I don't really like!"


"Yes Obanai, I mean I don't hate him, but it's fun to tease him!"

"You two hate Giyu! I always thought he was pretty cute!"

"Giyu is so moody and boring, he acts like he is better and different than the rest of us"

"He always seems to ignore me when I try to talk to him! Maybe that's whybhe never really has no friend's!"

Obanai favorite animal likes to eat Shinobu's,
Different favorite color,
Favorite subject is chemistry,
And they both dislike Giyu.


I exchange phone numbers with all of them, and that's when Shinobu texted me for the first time,


Hey, this is your number right?

Yup! Don't worry!

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime this week?

Of course I would love to!

Okay, I'll send you the ideas I think we could do after I take a quick shower,

Okay! Sounds good!


Also my younger sister says hi

Awe, tell her I said hi back!

Will do


I jumped into my bed and kicked my legs into the air, someone wanted to hang out with me! And I feel like I was gonna get my first real friend! I squealed in joy and then suddenly I heard my mother call me down to eat, "I'm sorry but I'm not hungry right now" I lied to her, I was desperately hungry, I hardly ate at lunch, I clenched my stomach a little and looked at myself I the mirror, I lost a lot of weight, to the point you could see a bit of my rib cage, was that a good or bad sign? Would that make me weaker? That's good right? Women are supposed to be weak, not strong at all.

I laid back on my bed and put my hands on my face, it's over, I can't turn back time now. I don't feel hungry anymore like I used to, my stomach is empty, I can't help the obsession I created for myself. I will most likely forever be this way, Shinobu, I wanna be like her, she is so pretty, and she is like an angel, every boy seems to like her as well, she looks like she didn't even try, I know it's mostly all natural. I scrolled through the messages of her, she seems sweet, but makes me wonder, why did she wanted to hang out?

Was she using me or something? No, Shinobu is kind, her smile means genuine right? I don't understand body movement as much, so I don't really know. Iguro wanted to hang out sometime this week, maybe I can invite the two to my house someday? I still want them to get along and I still want to be friends with Obanai..


That day finally came and I invited them to my room instantly, I know not everyone's supposed to do that on the first hangout, but I did it anyway. It's not like it's really gonna be a huge problem in the end. I decided to go downstairs just for a moment, to go make some tea for them,

However, if your friends are not yet comfortable with each other..
The worst thing you could do is leave them alone just for one second...

🌸~'||'~Thanks for reading~'||'~🌸
Total words: 1002

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