I'm becoming a couple therapist

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A/N: sry I kinda messed up but I hope you still enjoy it

TW: probably alcohol and swearing correct me if there's more

I hadn't had that much money and it was difficult to even get to LA. I would work as waitress in different bars until I finally got a job as waitress in the Whiskey. The money she received wasn't that bad and I could pay my rent for her apartment. It wasn't big it had a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and a bedroom but it had a nice view on the streets of LA.

I really liked those streets. In the night there were dozens of people hanging around wanting to party and enjoy the night. In the morning everything was more or less quiet and you could see some people sleeping on the streets when they had a glass too much the night before. My days were always quiet the same: getting up at 11 am, going for a walk on the streets for about an hour, getting home and listening to music or playing guitar, sleeping for a few hours and getting up again at 8 pm to get to the Whiskey for her shift from 8.30 pm to 1 am.

My life's hadn't been easy and until now I never really enjoyed it. It was a hard but simple and I loved it. I never really had dreams or ambitions in her life but I didn't really cared right now. I even made some friends at my new job. Maria, a 19 year old girl, also a waitress who had probably the highest bodycount out of all the people she'd ever met. Maria was extroverted and a real life enjoyer. Also being quiet extroverted the two of you got along pretty good. The other friend was Amanda, she was quiet and a bit shy but she still did her job pretty well.

I was kind of the middle of both of them, ambiverted and didn't talked that much about myself and avoiding talking about my past. The other two respected that and you'd sometimes hang out together outside your job.

One night I was about to pick up Maria, who only lived a floor under you, to go to the Whiskey. As you arrived she opened the door. Her black dyed her was done into a ponytail and some make up: red lipstick and a lot of eyeliner and mascara. She was wearing some short jeans with fishnet leggings and a short top. „Wow you look great" I hugged my friend. „Thanks, you too" Maria smiled.

I had left my bleached hair open and only wore a bit of mascara since I didn't really liked those bright colours. My outfit consisted of some black shorts, a pair of red converse and a grey KISS shirt combined with a leather jacket. Walking to the Whiskey, since neither of you could afford a car, Maria talked the whole time. First about a cute boy she met, his name was Izzy or something like that, and that he was in a band.

„I swear to god he's so cute. I met him last week in the Whiskey. He's a bit introverted but he's so handsome." she giggled. „Ok I get it but are you sure this time it'll work out, I'm just saying. Those last five times didn't went that well." I looked at her. She was a bit taller than me so I had to look up a bit. „Nah don't worry this time I'm serious." „Yeah that's what you said the last five times. Besides, you only met him once, I don't think..." I said. „Shh, shut your beautiful mouth up and listen: Yeah, I've only met him once but his band's gonna play at the Whiskey today. He told me that when we first met and I mentioned I worked there, so I'll definitely see him again." She smiled. „Okay if you say so..." I murmured, knowing that those bands fuck at least fifteen girls per gig. To many times I had to go backstage and clean some cum off the floor.

Arriving at the Whiskey we said hello to Amanda and I went straight towards the bar since I was in charge of the Barkeeper job toady. About a half hour later a band entered the stage. „Danielle! Danielle! There he is" Maria, who made a short pause at the bar yelled. „Jeez come down which one do you mean?" I laughed about her. „The one with the shorter black hair" she answered. „That's great but shouldn't you be working?" „Oh right, damn" she murmured and left to search for people wanting to order something.

„Alright, damn it, we're Guns N'Roses and we're gonna rock this place!" The lead singer, a ginger with a bandanda yelled into the mic and the band started playing. They were pretty good, better than most of the bands I've heard playing here, which wasn't that hard since there were really a lot of bad bands playing here from time to time. I took a closer look at the members.

The lead singer had some great vocals and he had something unique which I hadn't seen that often, maybe because he was dancing around like some seaweed or not but he was definitely great.

The lead guitarist, seemed to be completely lost in his own world, I couldn't really see what expression he had because his dark, curly hair was hanging into his face and he also wore sunglasses, which was besides some pants and shoes the only thing he wore.

The rhythm guitarist, Marias love of her life, seemed very calm and only vibed a bit along with the song but was completely focused on playing.

The bassist was pretty tall and blonde, he was also vibing in his own world and only looked up sometimes.

The drummer seemed like a pure packet of energy, vibing behind his drums and smiling all the time, seemingly very excited.

„Uhm, excuse me? May I have a Gin?" I heard a voice and came back to earth really quick as you saw a group of girls standing at the bar, all wanting to order. „Oh yeah sure, I'm sorry" I answered and took their orders. „Are you enjoying the show" I smiled at them, they were propably only sixteen but who cares. „Yeah, don't you think those guys are super hot?" one basically yelled at me. „Uhm... Sure?" it came out more as a question than I wanted it to come out but it caught me a bit off guard seeing some sixteen year old drinking Gin and living a whole groupie life. The band had just finished playing and I handed the drinks to the girls.

After an hour and a half the gig was over and Maria, Amanda and I had a short break. „Oh my god. Do you really think he'll stay a bit after the gig. Danielle, how do I look? Is there anything?" Maria ranted for the third time in a row. „Just calm down for a second, would ya?" Amanda gave her a slightly annoyed look. „For real Maria. First of all: every band stays here after a show so why would they be an exception? And second: no your Make Up is not ruined and you look stunning" I said, rolling my eyes jokingly.

„Oh my god, I think I'm gonna faint." Maria panicked. „Oh for fucks sake, chill out, would ya? You've fucked dozens of guys so why would this be different?" I grabbed her shoulders and looked in her eyes. „You're so unempathic, Danielle. How would you know how I feel? You've never been in a relationship" Maria hissed at me. „First of all: You don't know that, second of all..." „Hey is one of you guys Maria?" I heard a voice behind me and flinched.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now