Some soft stuff

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A/N:I'm still hoping more people will read this, for those who already did/do thank you :)

TW: none ig

After Duff and I went back to the others they had quit arguing and were just staring at anything but me and Duff. We ate the watermelon Slash brought with him and then drove home. The drive was even more awkward than before and only Axl said something while road raging.

Axl let me and Maria out at our house and then left to get Amanda home. Maria and I just entered the house as she suddenly turned to me „Danielle, listen. I shouldn't have said that. I know it was wrong and I'm really, really sorry"

I turned to her. It was rare seeing her this regretful. „It's okay, don't worry. Just make sure it won't happen again." I smiled at her.

Actually I do this all the time: Forgive but not forget. Forgetting this will probably take a long time. „Thanks, Danielle." she hugged me „I'm so sorry and I promise this won't happen again". She pulled out of the hug. „Good night, Maria."

„Good night,Danielle"

Duff pov:

Axl drove Amanda home and then stopped at our house. Until we went inside no one said something. „Damn, this was crazy." Steven sighed letting himself fall on the couch. „Tell me about it" Izzy just passed by and directly went to his room. „Did Danielle, said anything to you?" Slash asked me, standing in the kitchen. „Nothing relevant" I lied. Slash raised an eyebrow but left it at that and I went to my room.

Damn, that girl had been through some rough shit. Honestly I just admired her, after have been through things like this in her life still being able to smile everyday. I'm not in her situation but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't play it off as good as she did.

Seeing her like this, just sitting there in the shade of this wall, looking incredibly small actually crushed my heart. Sure, I haven't known her for that long but she always seemed so happy and energetic that I never would've been able to imagine what was behind all this. Also that she trusted me that much to tell me her whole story deserved admiration. I'll probably never be able to forget the way she looked at me.

Her bleached hair, wet and some hairs sticking to her face which was wet from the tears, her red swollen eyes with blue orbs that basically swam in sadness and exhaustion. The view was heartbreaking but she still looked incredibly beautiful.

I heard someone knocking on my door and Slash's head popped through the door. „Can I come in?" he asked. „Yeah sure" I said „what is it?" „Well, well, well. I see someone's really liking Danielle, right?" he smirked. „Dude shut the fuck up. Seriously how long have I known her? Two days, if I'm not totally dumb."

„Yeah, okay but have you ever heard of love at the first sight?" Slash sat down next to me on the floor. „Of course, I'm not an idiot but it's just going too fast for me to really say that I'm in love with her. You also wouldn't do that in case of Amanda right?" I grinned at him, of course I had noticed the looks that he were sneaking looks at the shy, rather quite waitress.

„That's  something different. Stop trying to switch the topic." he said but I still could see him getting a bit red under his wall of hair. „That's pretty much the same thing." I elbowed him. „Okay maybe, but I think she doesn't dislike you either. I mean she wouldn't have talked about whatever you guys talked about to anyone else. See, I don't even have a proof for that but I think that if I went after her she would've told me to fuck off or just wouldn't have said anything. Hah, you're blushing Duff!" he laughed and I elbowed him again trying to hide my cheeks under my hair.

„Fuck you, seriously fuck you." I laughed. „Nah not here" he giggled.

„Ok now piss off I need some sleep." I said after we finished laughing. „Dude, it's 9 pm you're not gonna sleep now. But if you say so" he replied and got up. „Good night, sleep tight and dream of your-" grabbed a pillow and threw it into his face cutting him off. „Good night to you too."

I changed my clothes and just laid down. I really wouldn't be able to sleep now even though I was pretty tired. I spend maybe an hour just lying there thinking about what Slash said until I finally got to sleep.

A/N: sorry I just realized that this is a bit short

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now