Visiting the fish 2.0

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A/N: I actually just need this chapter to build up a storyline so I'm sorry I hope you still like it

TW: alcohol, seaweed, passing out

Duff pov:

Izzy, Slash and I were just about to lay down some towels as Danielle, Amanda and Maria, Danielle grabbed the other girls by the wrist and ran to us dragging them behind her. I couldn't help but smile at view. She looked great in the bikini Amanda gave her, she had a great body, a bit like Amanda but a bit more curvy.

I got elbowed and turned to Slash „What's up?" I asked. „Well you kinda seem to space out." he grinned at me and raised an eyebrow. „What do you mean?" I asked pretending to be confused. „You know what I mean, we'll talk about that later."

„What are you going to talk about later?" Danielle asked, she had just arrived and obviously heard the last part of this conversation. „Oh nothing" Slash grinned. „Okay...?" she didn't seem to be that convinced but she didn't asked further and I gave Slash a dead glare who just ignored it. Fucking hoe.

„Yo guys." Steven and Axl arrived. Steven directly went to his bag and opened a bottle Jack Daniels. Without hesitation I also grabbed into his bag and pulled out a bottle of Vodka and Slash came directly after me securing some Jack Daniels.

Danielle pov:

I wasn't that happy seeing what kind of alcohol Steven brought here. I wouldn't mind if it was beer but straight Vodka. I don't wanna sound like an overprotective mom but my experiences with alcohol aren't that great after all and I can't help but worry.

Now the others also grabbed into Stevens bag grabbing all kinds of alcohol. Even Amanda, she wasn't much of a drinker but she had a real high alcohol tolerance. „Danielle, now that everyone took something without asking, do you also want something?" Steven asked death glaring the others. „Nah, thanks I'm good." I chuckled and tried to crack a smile.

„I think most of us have something to drink now, can we go into the water?" Maria asked, looking at Izzy for some reason. The black haired just shrugged. „Okay then lets go" Axl shouted scaring most of us by how loud it was, and just ran straight into the ocean. „Okay then lets go, I guess" I said walking after Axl.

It was quite fun even though I was surprised I still could swim after all this years. After some time we discovered that Maria and Axl were scared of seaweed and terrorized them but mostly Axl.

„DAMN, FUCK ALL OF YOU! WAIT UNTIL I GET REVENGE!" Axl threatened while jumping around like some ballerina while Maria screeched every time she got hit with seaweed. „Danielle, I thought we were friends?" she dramatically said after I stopped throwing seaweed at her and focused on terrorizing Axl.

„Okay guys, I give up but please stop now!" yelled over from twenty meters away where he'd been chased by Duff and Steven. „Okay what do we do now?" Axl asked out of breath as he finally swam over to us. „We could build a sand castle." Steven suggested „and then we could build a tub, fill it with seaweed and throw Axl in?" „First of all: Fuck you, second of all: no" Axl splashed some water at Steven.

„Maybe we could play this game where... Fuck, I forgot the name... Where two like, get on someone's shoulders and then try to push the other person down. You know what I mean?", Slash said.  „Yeah, I think we all know what you mean." I answered „but great idea, last time I played that I almost drowned, time to make a new, hopefully better, experience" Everyone looked at me little shocked but at least no one asked what happened that day.

„Okay I think since the girls are probably lighter than us, we should take them and our shoulders. But since there's someone left I'd say Steven will also be on top(A/N: I swear if you get that wrong...), since he's the smallest",  Slash suggested.

„Okay sounds good to me, I'll go with Izzy." Maria said and no one really cared about Axl being not that happy. „As for the others I'd say they'll do it like it was in the car and Axl you'll get with Steven." Slash grinned, seemingly enjoying teasing Axl.

In the first round it was me and Duff vs Amanda on Slash.That's not fair, Duff's tall, I'll only be able to push Danielle on her thighs or knees", Amanda complained. „It's fine I'll just try to get as tall as possible" Slash said before getting under water so Amanda could get on his shoulders.

I turned around to Duff. „I think you should do the same, if you don't want me to climb you like a tree" He nodded and also dived under water. I sat on his shoulders and he got up again. „Am I too heavy?" I whispered, trying to get in a good position. „Nah, as I said in the car: don't worry, you're a lightweight."

„Okay, just tell me if I get too heavy." I whispered.

„Are you guys ready or shall we wait another five minutes?" Slash yelled over. „We're ready." Duff answered and Maria yelled „ Ready, Set, Go".

Duff began to slowly walk over to Slash, who did the same. „Whoa, holy crap this perspective is amazing" I mumbled causing  Duff to laugh slightly. When we were close enough I directly attacked Amanda, who almost fell down. „Damn Amanda I didn't thought you were that weak." I laughed.

Suddenly my vision began to blurry a bit but cleared right before Amanda attacked which allowed me to cancel her attempted and attack right after.

Then my vision went blurry again and it stayed. I could only feel Amanda pushing me again and I felt numb all of sudden. I managed to push against my friend one more time before I couldn't hear clear anymore.

My vision went black and I only heard some yells. I couldn't control my body anymore, it felt like I fell and prepared to fall into the water but someone caught me before that could happen. Then I probably passed out.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now