I'm annoying people :)

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A/N: have fun reading and enjoy it please leave a comment, also I got a feeling that this is quite short, I'm sorry abt that

TW: alcohol, swearing, correct me if I forgot smt

I woke up to the sound of my telephone ringing. I groaned and sat up, luckily my telephone was on the nightstand next to my bed. I picked the phone „Yeah, what is it?" I grumbled, looking at my alarm clock it was already 10 am but still a bit too early to get up. „Hey, Danielle. Here's Steven..." „That's what I thought, no one else would have the energy to call someone this early in the morning."

„Oh, I'm sorry. Amanda and Maria were already awake so I thought you also might be. I've called them earlier" he answered the question I was about to ask. „Yeah, okay It's fine, I'm awake now. Why did you call?" I murmured, still not completely awake. „Well, yesterday Duff had the idea that we could spent a day together to get each other to know better. But he's still asleep that's why I called." Steven chuckled nervously.

At this point I was almost fully awake „Oh yeah, great idea. When and where?" „At 3 pm at our apartment. I already told Maria where it is since I thought you might get there together. I knew you'd like the idea." Steven said. „Okay then. See ya." I replied. „Bye, Danielle." the drummer said and I hung up.

Well okay, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep now. I got up. No, not really, I rolled out of my bed and kept lying on the floor for about 15 minutes until I finally had the motivation to get up. I took a quick shower chose an outfit, the black shorts from yesterday but this time combined with a grey Beatles shirt and my standard leather jacket. I did a bit of Make Up and ate a banana that had been lying in the kitchen and already was pretty brown. After brushing my teeth I decided to get down stairs and terrorize Maria.

As I rang the doorbell first she wouldn't open the door so I had to ring the doorbell another five times until I gave up and sat on the floor leaning against her door. (A/N: It's giving Frozen vibes)

After three or four minutes she finally opened the door which caused me to fall to her feet. „Damn, Danielle what are you doing here? It's fucking 11 am." „I'm aware of that I just wanted to say good morning to my best friend."

I looked up to her. I was lying to her feet and she was still wearing her Pyjama pants and had a towel wrapped around her head and her upper body. „Whoa your nose looks great from this perspective." I grinned at her. „Quit that shit, Danielle. I was just showering and I bet you're only here to get some coffee because you're always too lazy to buy it yourself." she said half with a mix of annoyance and joke in her voice.

I rolled away from her feet, into her apartment, almost crushing my spine while doing that. „Oh my god, what do you think of me. I don't need coffee I have energy without it, besides can't I just tell my friend and neighbor ,good morning'?" She rolled her eyes „Damn you're really a pain in the ass. It's early in the morning, I'm  only awake because Steven called me and I assume he called you right after to terrorize me. Right?" „There's one thing I don't get about you. During the day you're a bundle of energy but in the morning you're as grumpy as an old man with back pain."

„Yeah but that old man probably don't have a annoying friend that lives a floor above him", she laughed.

At around 2.30 pm we left Maria's apartment. Maria promised she knew where the apartment was and that it wouldn't be that far away. However we still got lost and where about 15 minutes late. „I'll never trust you again." I said rolling my eyes as I pressed the doorbell. „Well if you were from here you'd know where we have to go." „What kind of argument is that?", Duff, who had opened the door asked.

„Oh nothing, she's just blaming me that we're late and that wouldn't have been if I were from here." I smiled and flinched because Maria stepped on my foot. „Ah damn, fuck yourself." I slapped the back of her neck, fortunately she was wearing a high bun today and a loud slapping sound could be heard. „Damn, Danielle. That was a good one" Slash who'd appeared next to Duff laughed and Duff nodded in agreement.

„Fuck all of you." Maria said and walked into the apartment and left us at the door laughing because her neck was deeply red now. „Ok you can come in too. It's not that clean, because Steven told us that you were coming over when Amanda was at the door." Duff said, scratching the back of his head. „Oh it's fine I'm used to it. My apartment's also not clean." I smiled and walked in.

It really wasn't that clean. Some guitars were lying on the floor and there were bottles of Jack Daniels, Vodka and Beer on the table, most of them were empty. But it didn't looked half as bad as my parent's house. „Danielle, nice to see you" Steven greeted me with a hug while Axl smiled at me and Izzy just nodded.

„So what were you guys planning for today?" I broke the silence. „Well actually, I thought..."

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now