Rocket Queen...

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A/N: So here's the new chapter
TW: I suppose the title says it...

„Is he really always that late? I'm just asking because you've dealt longer with Axl than I did." I asked as we walked down the street. „Well not every time but mainly. Once we had a rehearsal at his apartment and he would be two fucking hours late with a really extreme hangover." Duff chuckled a bit.

„Yeah I can see that", I laughed a bit. We walked a bit with no one saying a word until Duff finally spoke again: „How have you been doing lately, I don't wanna annoy you but I hope you understand that I'm a bit worried." „Well, first of all: Thanks for asking. I didn't even knew you two days when I told you that but it kinda felt right and you're not annoying. Second of all: I'm actually pretty okay recently." I replied and smiled at him. „That's nice, please remember to tell me if you need to talk or anything." he reminded me.

„I'll try, thanks Duff." I said. „No worries." he smiled. We reached the studio „I really hope he got his ass here now." Duff mumbled as he opened the door.

What we then saw inside was kinda disturbing. There was Axl fucking some girl I could identify as Adriana, Steven's girlfriend, and Slash who was just sitting there seemingly recording the whole thing. Duff immediately shut the door again.

We looked at each other and then we just sat down on the floor next to the door of the studio. „What the fuck was that?" I whispered. „I think that was our beloved Axl banging Steven's beloved girlfriend." Duff replied. „You forgot that Slash was recording the whole thing." I added.

„Right but what is he gonna do with that?" Duff asked. „I don't know, it's your band think you're supposed to know that better than me. Actually I don't know if I should be traumatized or sorry for Steven" „I think I'll choose both" Duff agreed. „Should we tell him?" I questioned. „Actually I think he's about to find out soon enough. About what he's doing with the moans: He already banged some other chicks in the studio. It's not the first time I walked into such a scene. I think he wanted to put the moans into Rocket Queen, he was probably unsatisfied with the other results. But I don't know why she agreed to that." Duff mumbled.

„Well that sounds like Axl. I don't wanna imagine Steven's reaction..." I gulped. „Me neither. But I think we should go back to the others. That'll leave them enough time to get on their clothes again" Duff stood up and I did the same. We through the streets again and I just couldn't stop rambling about the whole situation.

„Damn that's really messed up. I mean I've also walked into my dad fucking some random chick but that's just really different. I'm just saying, I feel extremely sorry for for Steven. Has something like that ever happened since you founded the band?" I asked. Duff thought for a second: „ Nah I don't think so or at least I don't remember."

„Well there's a first time for everything I guess.''

,,Hey, you know what? Let's make a bet how long it takes until Maria and Izzy get together." I suddenly just changed the topic. Duff grinned at the random topic change „Okay I say two months." „Okay imma go all in and say one month. What do I get when I'm right?" I said. „How about I'll buy your favorite record?" Duff suggested. „Sounds good to me. What do you get if you win the bet?" I asked. „How about you go on a date with me and you pay the food?" he smirked.

„You know that I could take you out on a date without a bet." I grinned back even though that question surprised me a bit. „Okay, but would you pay the food?" he asked. „Well I'd pay half of the price excluding alcohol." I answered sheepishly. „Yeah but not everything." he smiled. „Okay I'll accept the offer. If you win the bet I'll take you out and pay the food. Deal?" I reached out my hand. „Deal." he grabbed it with a grin.

„Are we allowed to help them out a bit?" I asked. „Nah that would be unfair for me." Duff replied as we arrived at a crossroad. „Okay good point how about..."

„DANIELLE! WATCH OUT!" I turned to the side where Duff had been walking bug the only thing I could see was a car driving towards me. I instinctively closed my eyes and prepared for the hit but the only thing I felt was someone grabbing my wrist and pulling me backwards.

Duff pulled my to his chest and I could feel the car drive past. I slowly opened my eyes. Duff was seemingly mad and just yelled „Fucking Bastard" after the car. „Are you okay?" he asked softly and took a step back to take a look at me. „Nah I think I'm somewhat fine. Damn, I really owe you" I mumbled. „Fucking bastard, that idiot wasn't even allowed to drive in this direction." Duff hissed. I laid my hand on his arm „Calm down. Sadly there are some people who won their drivers license in the lottery." I said.

„Yeah but that guy's still a bastard." he murmured. „Yeah maybe he is but let's go get the others now I think we really took longer than we were supposed to." I said.

„Guys, were have you been. That should've took fifteen minutes you were gone for half an hour." Izzy said seemingly annoyed. „It's great to see you too,Izzy. Axl arrived by the way." Duff replied. „Well, finally that shithead quite took his time." Maria rolled her eyes and we started walking back to the studio.

When we arrived Axl really had his clothes back on and Adriana was sitting on the couch greeting Steven as if nothing happened. Duff and I looked at each other with a look that just expressed disgust, what the fuck and are they for real. „Well guys I think Rocket Queen will be finished soon. Then we'll only need to record Paradise City and Axl has just added another song. It's for his girlfriend and..." Slash said and got interrupted by Axl: „Thanks Slash. The song's gonna be for Erin, I think most of you haven't met her yet, it's not finished yet but I think I'll call it Sweet Child O' Mine." Duff, Steven and Izzy sighed, probably because they were just done sitting in the studio all day.

„Sounds great, Axl" Izzy groaned.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now