Gin N'Vodka

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A/N: I don't really have to say smt about this please just enjoy and give some feedback

TW: alcohol, swearing, tell me if there's more

„Oh my god, what the fuck?" I yelled while spinning around only to see the whole band standing behind me. „Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" the blonde drummer apologized. „Nah it's fine, she just get's scared easily" Maria finally seemed to have gotten her shit together again, „Izzy, it's nice to see you again", She smiled and headed towards the rhythm guitarist who also greeted her with a smiled ignoring the stares of his band mates and Amanda and me. They left somewhere in the crowd and left me and Amanda with the rest of the band. „So... uhm. Your performance was really good" I tried to start a conversation. „Really?" the drummer jumped up and down in excitement. Dang he was really cute for sure.

„Yeah, I've seen and heard a lot of bands play here but you're one of the best." I smiled. „Yeah, I can agree with that, even though  I'm not really into this kind of music." Amanda said. „Wow thanks, we haven't been in this business for that long so we're still pretty excited but I'm glad to hear someone liked it" the bassist chuckled a bit.

„Oh I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name's Danielle", I introduced myself. „And I'm Amanda" the other girl added. 

„Oh right, my name's Axl" the ginger introduced himself.

„Michael but please call me Duff" the bassist said.

„Steven", the drummer smiled at us.

„Saul but I prefer Slash" the guy with the glasses said.

„And you work here too?", Axl asked. „Yeah, we do but we're currently taking a break" I said. „Oh if you didn't know yet, the rhythm guitarist's name is Izzy, he's a bit grumpy but actually a softie" Steven informed us. „Oh trust me we already know, Maria just wouldn't stop talking" I laughed a bit. Amanda looked at her wrist watch „Oh damn, Danielle break is over."

„Oh ok" I said and left in the direction of the bar.

After a minute I saw Duff approaching. „You know you could just order something from Amanda?" I looked at him. „Yeah I'm aware of that but I wanted to talk to you." he smiled. „Okay, can I still get you something to drink?" I asked him. „Uh yeah, Vodka, please" „Shot glass or normal glass?" I grabbed under the table to get a bottle of Vodka. „The whole bottle, please" I looked up. „You sure about that? I mean I've seen a man twice your age, that was used to alcohol, not being able to drink half a Vodka bottle until he passed out." I raised an eyebrow. „Nah, I really can handle it" he smiled. „Ok but  it's still not good for your health" „Yeah, but I mean you won't survive life after all" he chuckled a bit.

„Good point, but I'll only give you half of the bottle" if you want more afterwards we can talk about it, okay?" „Jeez, okay" he jokingly rolled his eyes and I poured the half bottle into a glass. „Why aren't you giving me the whole bottle." Duff said, while sitting down at the bar. „Because it's bad for your health and I've made my experience with alcohol, I still drink sometimes but I have zero interest in ruining my life."

Duff pov:

Something inside me told me that I shouldn't be asking what kind of experience she made with alcohol even though I would like to know it. She was mysterious, not introverted but probably the kind of person to talk a lot but not about themselves. She was beautiful, she had humor and something on her was interesting. „Why do you work here?" I asked. „To earn money but I don't really know" she chuckled a bit „Nah, actually I came to LA a year ago I'm actually from San  Francisco I moved here alone." „Oh, I'm also not from LA I'm from Seattle" I said and then I asked „Do you have any specific ambitions or why did you move here?"

She thought for a few seconds „Actually no, I came here to sort of escape from myself and my past. When I was younger I wanted to become a singer, a famous guitarist or an actress but I gave that up when I was nine. Actually since a few years I want to become something like a stylist or make up artist but I never really did that professionally so I guess I'll stay here as a waitress." she smiled but he could feel that she was actually sad.

„But do you have some talent for styling clothes, doing make up or sewing?" he asked. She looked up from the glass she'd been cleaning „Yeah actually I've always liked fashion, about make up you should ask Maria or Amanda, I've done their make up a few times, and I can sew" she answered. „We'll great" I stood up, grabbed her wrist and pulled her trough the club. „Hey what are you doing, my shift isn't over yet!" she protested but followed along

Danielle pov:

He dragged me through the club until he spotted Axl, Slash and Steven, who were talking to Amanda. „Yo Duff what are you doing with Danielle" Slash yelled over. „Okay guys, this might be random but how about, she becomes our stylist?" Duff asked. „What?" I asked. Help, I didn't sign up for this. Amanda smiled brightly „That's a good idea, Danielle is really talented with this kind of stuff" „Yeah but you and Maria too." I said. „What about me?" I flinched again and turned around, only to see Maria with Izzy who had a hand on her waist.

„Duff thought, maybe they could be our stylists" Axl explained the situation. „Yeah why not?" Izzy asked without even showing a reaction. „I mean at the moment we can't pay you that good but I promise we'll make it big someday" Slash grinned. „Okay if you say so I'm in" Maria said. „Me too" I agreed and Amanda just nodded in agreement. „DANIELLE , WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" I heard someone yell and I turned around and hissed „Fuck I gotta go" and sprinted back to the bar.

When our shift was finished we said good night to the boys and they promised to call us as soon as they had the next gig.

„Whoa damn, I never thought that one night could be this life changing" I sighed as I walked back with Maria „By the way, how was it with Izzy?" „Awesome, he is so nice." Maria basically yelled through the streets. „Sheesh can I scream a bit louder the next time, I think I'm deaf now." I elbowed her. „I'm sorry, I'm sorry But I'm just so excited, I think this time it is something serious." „If you say so" I yawned as we entered our street.

„Okay good night, lovebird" I said and went up stairs. „Good night you anti romantic shithead."

„Wait why am i anti romantic? I can be very romantic, Juliet" I yelled and threw my shoes after her. Sadly I missed her and only heard her laugh through the thin walls.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now